1.)In the Bible, the first book, Genesis, we read of God creating the earth in 6 days. (
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+1&version=NIV) Link is for reference, did a google search.
If you are familiar with this passage, how long do you think the days were? Is it literal, symbolic etc?
I find it symbolic.
1.2)Why do you come to that conclusion?
A "day" on earth is not a "day" on other planets. In fact, I think that the first part of this cant' help but be symbolic as he "created light". If he created the "heavens" then he created the sun, which provides light.
2.)How old is the Earth/life?
Scientific inquiry stats that it is over 4.5 billions years old.
2.1)Why/how do you come to that conclusion?
Scientific inquriy, measurement.
3.) Do you believe humans and apes share a common ancestor?
Yes, probably.
3.1) Why? Why not?
DNA research, evolution
4.) Do you believe the biblical characters Adam and Eve actually existed?
Yes, but not in the way that is shown.
4.1) Why? Why not?
I don't believe it's possible for an entire species to descend from 1 pair of its kind. For the results of inbreeding - look to the inhabitants of Kentucky and West Virginia (