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Game Thread Orange Bowl: tOSU vs Clemson, Jan 3, 8:30 ET, ESPN

I believe in the "bounce back" theory of college football. We lost the last time out, Clemson won, so by theory we should be more motivated and that's a big factor in this game where the teams are close statistically. And I like our head coach better in a Bowl game. :urban2:
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Ohio State Buckeyes ‏@OhioStAthletics

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If it was stupidity, I'd guess it couldn't have been too stupid, or UM wouldn't still be saying he hopes to have him play this week. So, finger crossed, no worries.

And, if it is a personal family matter, hoping it's nothing too serious.

Well, kinda like with Marcus Hall, there's nothing to be gained by admitting to your opponent that one of your better players isn't going to play.

But a player not traveling with the team pretty much says that. IMO.
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