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Disciplina in Civitatem
*I didn't see a centralized thread in relation to biennial Olympics (Summer / Winter), in addition to centralized soccer threads for major tournaments in the World Cup and EURO (rather than creating various threads every 2-4 years for the three events).

Olympics / World Cup / EURO
Summer Olympic Games
Rio 2016
Tokyo 2020

Winter Olympic Games
Pyeongchang 2018
Beijing 2022

World Cup
Russia 2018
Qatar 2022

France 2016
Europe 2020
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NHL 'not even close' to agreement on Olympic participation

The NHL remains reluctant to reverse course and compete at the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing, despite new assurances -- which have the backing of the league's players -- from Olympic officials to resolve some major stumbling blocks.

NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly significantly tamped down hopes of the world's best players returning to the Olympics for the first time since 2014 by referring to recent talks as "very preliminary" and leaving open many unanswered questions.

"We aren't there yet. In fact, we aren't even close to being there," Daly wrote in an email to The Associated Press on Monday. "At this point in time, we continue to believe that the negatives outweigh the positives."

At the same time, Daly raised another concern by suggesting that the matter of Olympic participation might be easier to resolve if it were tied to ongoing negotiations to extend the league's collective bargaining agreement. The league and the players are scheduled to spend the next two days involved in CBA talks in Toronto.

NHLPA executive director Don Fehr responded by telling The AP that he hopes the NHL isn't moving the goal posts on the union in regard to the issue of Olympic participation, with the Beijing Games taking place before the current CBA expires.

"I can't figure out why anybody would not want to go and take advantage of this opportunity because it doesn't come around every day," Fehr told The AP by phone.

"We think and have always thought that a matter like this should be addressed on its own merits, and it seems to us that the merits on this one are crystal clear, pellucidly clear."

Entire article: https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/28675067/nhl-not-even-close-agreement-olympic-participation
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IOC sets four-week deadline on Games decision

The International Olympic Committee announced Sunday that it will make a decision whether to postpone the 2020 Tokyo Games at some point in the next four weeks.

Consultation with Japanese public authorities, global sports officials, broadcasters and sponsors will deal with "scenario planning" for the July 24-Aug. 9 Games, the IOC said.

"The IOC is confident that it will have finalised these discussions within the next four weeks, and greatly appreciates the solidarity and partnership of the [national Olympic committees] and [international federations] in supporting the athletes and adapting Games planning," the IOC said as part of a lengthy statement.

Entire article: https://www.espn.com/olympics/story/_/id/28939429/ioc-sets-four-week-deadline-games-decision
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Team USA men's hoops planning pre-Olympic bubble in Las Vegas

USA Basketball is in the planning stages of creating a pre-Olympic bubble in Las Vegas for Team USA, Australia and Spain to train and play exhibition games against one another before leaving for Tokyo, managing director Jerry Colangelo told ESPN.

With NBA players expected to make up the core of all three teams and the league's playoffs scheduled to take place from May 22 to July 22, this concept would create an environment where players can limit travel and possible exposure to COVID-19 before going to Japan. Team USA is tentatively planning to open training camp the week of July 4, while the NBA playoffs are ongoing.

"On the surface it makes a lot of sense," Colangelo said. "We have to be flexible."

Spain, the reigning World Cup champions, have five current NBA players who have played on the national team in the past: Marc Gasol, Ricky Rubio, Serge Ibaka, Juancho Hernangomez and Willy Hernangomez. The Australians named their Olympic roster pool this week, and it has 10 current NBA players, including Ben Simmons, Patty Mills, Joe Ingles, Dante Exum and Matisse Thybulle.

Also in the name of flexibility, Colangelo said USA Basketball has petitioned the U.S. Olympic Committee, the International Olympic Committee and FIBA, which runs the Olympic basketball tournament, to change the rules for when rosters for the Games must be submitted. Usually, the rosters must be set several weeks in advance, but with the NBA playoffs running until three days before Team USA is scheduled for its first Olympic game, Colangelo is calling for changes.

Team USA has asked to allow roster changes even during the Olympics as players may fly over late and join teams, Colangelo said. He is waiting to hear back from the governing bodies on the matter.

"These are not normal times. Rosters by a certain date doesn't make any sense," Colangelo said. "What we're seeking is flexibility to substitute players very late and to get the best players on the court. It doesn't just apply to us but for all the countries."

Entire article: https://www.espn.com/olympics/baske...n-hoops-planning-pre-olympic-bubble-las-vegas
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Tokyo Olympics 2021: Japan announces state of emergency in Tokyo less than three months before Games start

Rising COVID-19 infections have caused yet another state of emergency

Japan announced that it would expand and extend a state of emergency in Tokyo through May 31 due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. This decision comes a little less than three months from when the Olympic Games are scheduled to begin.

What separates this decision from other previous times that states of emergency have been called in the area is that the restrictions in place are going to be toughened, as the Associated Press reports. However, there is a drawback to that as the people in Tokyo have reportedly grown impatient with repeated measures implemented that keep things closed, especially as some see it as a way for the country to host the Olympics by any means necessary.

Entire article: https://www.cbssports.com/olympics/...yo-less-than-three-months-before-games-start/
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Surge in Tokyo's COVID-19 cases likely means new state of emergency through Olympics

Surging COVID-19 cases in Tokyo have hit a two-month high that almost guarantees the Japanese government will declare a new state of emergency to start next week and continue for the duration of the Tokyo Olympics.

The pandemic-delayed Olympics open in just over two weeks on July 23.

International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach is scheduled to arrive in Tokyo on Thursday, when he will be greeted by the rising cases as he self-isolates for three days in the IOC's five-star hotel in the capital.

A new state of emergency could lead to a ban even on local fans. That decision on fans is expected Friday when local organizers meet with the IOC and others.
Nationwide, Japan has had about 810,000 cases and nearly 14,900 deaths. Only 15% of Japanese citizens are fully vaccinated, still low compared to 47.4% in the United States and almost 50% in Britain.

Entire article: https://www.espn.com/olympics/story...ses-likely-means-new-state-emergency-olympics
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