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OL Justin Boren (Official Thread)

shetuck;1148447; said:
I took the article to mean 'turncoats' in the sense of jumping from one side of a rivalry *directly* to another.

Yes, Bo was a coach under WWH, but he coached at Miami before he went to tsun.

Pitino went pro between Kentucky and Louisville. So I don't think that is necessarily the reason they excluded Bo.
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buckeyemania11;1147979; said:

Of course, Boren has already contributed to that his first two years at Michigan helping Michigan lose both those contests to the Bucks.
Right. Boren was responsible for their defense surrendering 42 points--the highest OSU point total in The Game in almost four decades--in 2006, and personally took a tire iron to Mike Hart's knees and Chad Henne's rotator cuff minutes before kickoff of last year's The game, rendering them helpless. :roll1:
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RugbyBuck;1148170; said:
Unless you put on the uniform and played in the Game, do us all a favor and shut the fuck up. We get it. After your tenth or eleventh post we finally got it. You're pissed. However, Boren did wear the uniform and gave you what he had for two seasons. There's been no allegation that he was a slacker and his record demonstrates what he put in as a Wolverine. You owe him respect for that. Instead of whining, just shut up and move on. Just play the game. Oh, that's right, you haven't actually played. In that case, just shut up. Whine about it on Go Blue.

Damn. Just damn! :slappy:
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MililaniBuckeye;1148482; said:
Right. Boren was responsible for their defense surrendering 42 points--the highest OSU point total in The Game in almost four decades--in 2006, and personally took a tire iron to Mike Hart's knees and Chad Henne's rotator cuff minutes before kickoff of last year's The game, rendering them helpless. :roll1:



I hadn't realized that...I knew that he stole Vlloyd's mental faculties, but I didn't know that...now, the picture is getting clearer...a spy in their midst, a sort of agent provacateur leading them to their demise...you bloody witty devils you...
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Steve19;1148588; said:


I hadn't realized that...I knew that he stole Vlloyd's mental faculties, but I didn't know that...now, the picture is getting clearer...a spy in their midst, a sort of agent provacateur leading them to their demise...you bloody witty devils you...

It was Grad... :pirate1:

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RugbyBuck;1148170; said:
Unless you put on the uniform and played in the Game, do us all a favor and shut the fuck up. We get it. After your tenth or eleventh post we finally got it. You're pissed. However, Boren did wear the uniform and gave you what he had for two seasons. There's been no allegation that he was a slacker and his record demonstrates what he put in as a Wolverine. You owe him respect for that. Instead of whining, just shut up and move on. Just play the game. Oh, that's right, you haven't actually played. In that case, just shut up. Whine about it on Go Blue.
You're right. I haven't played. So why don't you enlighten me and tell me what it's really all about?
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HTM - The fact that you defend DickWad's leaving before a BCS bowl game, WVU's biggest game of the year mind you, as a "his time to shine in the spotlight" speaks volumes. Speaks volumes about the kool-aid you are drinking and what you know believe about things.

It was WVU's biggest game of the year. The biggest game for the team, the players.

If one believes that it was DickWad's "time to shine in the spotlight", then one is saying that the BCS game was all about DickWad.

I guess DickWad would believe what you wrote, since he does seem to have an ego the size of CW's waist. But you typing that implies that you too believe that.

That would not happen at OSU under the watch of JT. That would not happen at scUM under the watch of Carr or Bo.

And that right there is an example, IMO, of what one means when the talk about "family values".

Good job Coach Carr in helping a player who you recruited transfer to an institution where the type of family values that you learned from Bo, and mean something to you, are firmly in place.

Keep drinking the kool-aid HTM, because you have now posted for posterity that it is all about the coach and his moment in the spotlight and not about the players.
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HailToMichigan;1148612; said:
You're right. I haven't played. So why don't you enlighten me and tell me what it's really all about?

Evidently you skiiped the part of his post that said, "However, Boren did wear the uniform and gave you what he had for two seasons. There's been no allegation that he was a slacker and his record demonstrates what he put in as a Wolverine."

Slackers and fat, lazy softies start 13 games for the University of Michigan? Do they get selected honorable all-conference as a true sophomore? Had Carr stayed or had Michigan hired someone else as his replacement, chances are very good that Boren was going to be at least second-team all-conference this year and very probable first-team his senior year.
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NFBuck;1148320; said:
HTM, for the most part I understand your need to defend your new coach, I just take exception with the thickness of the blinders you wear while doing it. This, however, is the most assinine thing you have typed by far. Period. Comparing one offensive lineman, granted, the best returning OL, leaving in the in the spring compared to a coach shunning over 80 kids he recruited and coached, and just a year earlier pledged his continued loyalty to, just before the biggest game of the year is beyond absolutely absurd. Then to have the balls to say he did so while sacrificing his "moment in the spotlight" as if it was an actual sacrifice on his part. Good God.
It does sound kinda preposterous now I've had the chance to sleep on it.

And I've never criticized B***n just for leaving, because I agree it's ridiculous to disparage the WVU fans and B***n at the same time. (However, the death threats, if true, are really what prompted the criticism of WVU fans and I think you can agree, death threats would be over the line. I don't recall B***n getting any.)

However - Mili - neither have I ever called B***n soft, fat, slacker, lazy, or any of that. I have issues with his choice of transfer destination and the comments he made upon leaving. That's it. Don't ever make the mistake of confusing me with the stuff you see on the comments page of the Freep.

And it seems to me, that if it's hypocritical to criticize the WVU fans while criticizing Boren for leaving, then it's equally so to criticize RR for leaving, while denouncing U-M fans.

HTM would place further restrictions because his school of choice is a rivalry school. And I get it. I would be a hater too. Moving to UM would be a clear exception to the "Once a Buckeye, Always a Buckeye Rule."

But this is happening to UM - not OSU.

So pop open another bag o dicks and chow down.
This is the sort of refreshing honesty I appreciate about this place.
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When asked the questions "Why did Boren leave" the folks from UM immediately supply a self-serving answer.

He was fat. Lazy. Slow. Lacking character. A natural born traitor.

Try harder. Because none of that adds up. None of it is consistent with who he was the day before he said he was leaving.

He is sitting out a year, enduring abuse, and sacrificing a scholarship.

When a player is willing to make those sacrifices the question of why he did it deserves more than knee jerk. Perhaps a moment of introspection is in order.
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