Maize and Blue Wahoo
I don't know anything about the academical relationship between the schools, but I've at least never heard anything like what you say in the last paragraph. Very, very few people would claim that any state school in Michigan holds a candle to U-M or MSU. About the only one that has any notoriety for any reason is Wayne State's law school, which is not half bad. Michigan definitely treats the two power schools (and to some lesser extent, Wayne State) differently than the other state schools in that we vote for the boards of U-M and MSU but not the others. Other differences exist too. But everyone got hit the same in the last budget crunch.ORD_Buckeye;1084165; said:Hail, you stil see the same phenomenon at the Ohio MAC campuses with OU, BG or Miami of Ohio students wearing Ohio State jerseys to their own football games...or blowing the game off entirely in order to watch Ohio State on tv. If you read their message boards, you'll find that it's a never ending source of frustration and anger for the diehards.
I have a few questions though about the directional Michigans.
Do all the students at the directionals constantly say, "well, I got into UM but liked Central better...or Western was better for my major." In other words, all statistical data to the contrary, is it impossible to ever meet a directional student who'll actually admit that he was rejected by UM or even MSU?
Do they have an embittered core of delusional fans who hate everything about Michigan and refuse to give it any credit whatsoever?
Are you a UM alum and if so do you know anything about the institutional relationship between UM (and to a lesser degree MSU) and the directionals? In other words, as academic institutions do the directionals act like the Fredos do in Ohio: refusing to give the flagship U any credit or even acknowledge that it holds an elevated role in the state system? Are the directionals constantly trying to stab UM in the back with the legislature? Has the president of a directional ever said something as ridiculous (in a formal speech no less) as "there's no difference academically between UM and Central/Western/Eastern/Northern?" Do the directionals constantly point to one peripheral, secondary program at their campus that has a national reputation and somehow try to argue that it somehow makes them UM's academic equal on an overall basis?
Similar relationship exists in Virginia, (where I went for college) where JMU is said to stand for "Just Missed UVA."
Anecdotally I know this: Nearly everyone I know who ended up going to a directional school (or one of the other state schools like GVSU, SVSU, etc.) also applied to U-M, MSU, or both. It's kind of the unofficial college plan at a lot of state high schools. Most people will admit they tried and failed to get into one of the two. (Either that or they will say they went to Western - "Waste-ern", hur hur - for the party atmosphere.) Eastern tends to be a bit of a commuter school and is left out of the CMU/WMU rivalry besides, and I think people generally would admit they wanted to go to MSU but couldn't, rather than admit that Eastern was their favorite choice.