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Game Thread Ohio State vs Penn State, 10/28/17 @ 3:30 ET (FOX)

I really hope urban spends his post game complaining about the refs and files another complaint with the conference. This is a joke.
It is a joke yet we haven't been helping ourselves. When we shit on ourselves + ref bias = meltdown. This is about as bad of a game that I can remember that we are still in at this point IF we can get a quick score. I have little to 0 faith in that.
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Urban is gonna have some 'splainin to do after this game.

What an awful decision not to take the holding penalty that would've made it 2nd and 21. You decline penalty and put such stress on defense to hold them on 3rd and 11. You have to push them back in that scenario.

Just little miscues all over the place......it's been a poorly managed game.
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