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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

OSU asst. A. D. Gary Petit sent this word to the blog writer for college tennis re. the count of consecutive Buckeye home wins:

Final Update Below - what was believed to be win #200 over South Florida was actually 199. Today's 2/21 win over Notre Dame was #200.
From: "Petit, Gary M."
Subject: 200-Streak
Date: February 21, 2015 at 4:36:48 PM CST
To: Bobby Knight
After researching every win and contacting opposing SIDs with questions, we were at 199 after the USF match on Feb. 8 and are now at 200 with the win today over Notre Dame.
The issue was that Dayton match in 2007. The match was on the schedule and was never removed after it was canceled the day of. With the amount of turnover in our office and different people handling men’s tennis, we continued to count that match. We never put a list together like you did which probably explains why we were off on our numbers a couple of times in our recaps throughout the years.

NCAA official Record Books should officially list home streak record at 200!

Also in the random trivia category, today's match set for 5 pm vs. Dayton was also cancelled. :wink:
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This weeks rankings by the ITA switched from a poll to a computerized formula based on season wins/losses and level of competition.
Buckeyes climbed a spot to #8 in the ranking.

5 buckeye singles players and 2 doubles teams were also ranked by the computer formula, Torp, Diaz, Steinbach, Pollanen, Callahan, and dubs teams of Metka/Stein, Diaz/Callahan!

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Bucks claim the dubs point with w's at #1 (8-6) and 2, ( 8-6).
Back to conventional scoring for b1G conference matches, pro set for dubs, ad scoring,
Coaches decide in advance whether to stop the play when a team has 4 points, but most choose to play things out in conference, only 4 courts so it
Could make for a long afternoon at psu
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Next up:


Day: Friday
Date: Mar. 6, 2015
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Time: 6:00 p.m. ET
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Next up:


Day: Friday
Date: Mar. 6, 2015
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Time: 6:00 p.m. ET

Thank you Script for posting this "next up'...
This battle will be epic, Buckeyes will place their NCAA record of 200 consecutive home wins on the line
against the most dominant tennis team in the NCAA. Sooners will be primed to end the streak.
Oklahoma won the National Indoor tournament blowing out #1 seed USC (who took down the Buckeyes 4-1, in the quarters)
John Roddick (Andy's brother) has loaded the Sooners lineup with talent including 3 of the top 20 ITA ranked single's players:
#7 Axel Lamas, #11 Andrew Harris and #18 Dane Webb.
They will EACH be heavily favored in the top 3 court match ups vs these Buckeyes:
# 43 Chris Diaz, #36 Michael Torpegaard, and #78 Herkko Polannen.
So maybe at the bottom of the linup Bucks can make it interesting:
#106 Hunter Callahan vs. Spencer Papa
#73 Ralph Steinbach vs. #56 Alex Ghilea
unranked Kevin Metka vs. Jose Salazar
Gracelhink prognostication:
For the OSU home win streak to survive, Buckeyes must absolutely win the doubles point,...
and find one win at either singles #2 or #3, and take 2 out of 3 on courts #4-6.
Go Bucks!
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