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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

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Oklahoma defeats USC to take the ITA National indoor title.
Next up are two home matches for the Buckeyes Notre Dame and Dayton this Saturday.
Then the Sooners will represent a formidable challenge on March 6, in Columbus.
Any hope of extending the longest home win streak will require a monumental effort by a young squad against a dominant Oklahoma team.
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From the Tennis Blog writer who did the math,
UPDATE: Gary emailed me back this morning (2/11) and said they were going to do some research about the streak and would get back to me within a few days. I emailed Gary back on 2/18 to see if he had an update and he replied back within an hour that they had "nothing official yet". That pretty much tells me what I need to know that most likely nothing will be "official" until they beat Notre Dame this Saturday assuming they beat the Irish.

Seems like many tennis followers think the Bucks are vulnerable vs. ND, hope Ty will use this as incentive for the team. :wink:
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Callahan puts point #2 on the scoreboard with a 6-2,6-2 win at #4.
Steinbach won the 2nd set to force a 3rd at #5.
#2 Torp up a set and break and #6 Metka up a set and break.
At #1 Diaz trying to hang tough in 2nd set as is #3 Pollannen.
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