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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

ACC. To Topdawg at the talk tennis site,
It now looks like the bucks may get a #3 seed in the NCAA tournament.
If the selection committee uses the ITA rankings ...
The #1 seed would be USC and #2 seed is Oklahoma,
neither of which won their respective conferences.
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Prime reason why -- to an extent -- if Ty Tucker asks for something, OSU should give it to him (again, to an extent).

When looking at large competition pools, Men's Tennis and Rowing are the two programs that perform annually.

Agree with you re. Tucker's value to OSU, however he did sign a new contract with a new title and expanded responsibilities, director of tennis in 2012!
The vast improvement in the OSU women's tennis program is a direct result of Tucker's influence.
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I was hoping that the women's team would make strides towards catching up with the men's team. Can you add some insight to the above statment on particular actions by Tucker?

Well, the women's team did go 19-8 this season (8-3 in B1G play), semis of the B1G tournament, and could get an NCAA at-large tourney bid, after going 10-14 in 2012/13 (3-8 in B1G), 10-16 in 2011/12 (4-7 B1G), so there's been improvement this year. And several of the team's top performers were freshmen in 13/14: DeSantis, Niehaus, Paz, Kowase.
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OSU Women's team also has an absolutely loaded recruiting class coming in next year!

The announcement for the NCAA mens tournament will be made this evening at 5 pm.
Watch it live here.
Much suspense surrounds a tight group of 5-6 teams that have potential to win it all.
Seeding will be critical for the Buckeyes who will be hosting a first and second round regional,
16 winners of regions will advance to compete at the NCAA finals in Athens , ga.

The lady Buckeyes will probably also qualify for the NCAA tourney, for the first time in forever,
their program is on an upward swing with some exciting momentum!
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Three championships down....

1. ITA National Men's Indoor
2. B1G Regular Season Conference
3. B1G Tournament

and one to go....

4. NCAA Division I Men's


FWIW, The field of 64 teams, comprised of the 31 conference tournament champions and 33 at-large bids which will be determined by the NCAA committee, will be announced on Tuesday afternoon at 5 p.m. ET on NCAA.com. See list of the conference tournament winners that automatically qualified:


I'm shocked to see that Baylor is the BIG XII winner and not Oklahoma.
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Well, the women's team did go 19-8 this season (8-3 in B1G play), semis of the B1G tournament, and could get an NCAA at-large tourney bid, after going 10-14 in 2012/13 (3-8 in B1G), 10-16 in 2011/12 (4-7 B1G), so there's been improvement this year. And several of the team's top performers were freshmen in 13/14: DeSantis, Niehaus, Paz, Kowase.

That's a great improvement!! I guess I am trying to figure out how Tucker falls into this. Certainly it isn't coincidence that when he gets named Director that the Women's team starts to improve. But did Tucker help provide recruiting pointers? Was it helping to upgrade facilities for both teams? Just looking for some specific actions.
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My answers in bold
That's a great improvement!! I guess I am trying to figure out how Tucker falls into this. Certainly it isn't coincidence that when he gets named Director that the Women's team starts to improve.
direct connection.
But did Tucker help provide recruiting pointers?
Yes, heavily involved.
Was it helping to upgrade facilities for both teams?
Improvements helped but preceded Tucker's new title.
Just looking for some specific actions.
A couple,of my observations...
A tucker coached player will be in the very best physical condition of their life before, during and after the season. The workouts are intense, but his development program has gained an international reputation as the best in the NCAA.
tucker will coach up 4 star (Kevin Metka) and 5 star (Peter Kobelt) juniors to beat blue chip athletes in other programs.
His Recruiting haul of the freshmen on this years women's team is remarkable, next years is outstanding.
Men's tennis recruiting is challenging, a team of 9-10 student athletes is only allotted 4.5 scholarships to divide.
Women's tennis is allowed 8 full rides per team.
Hope that helps.
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The draw,

Looks like a winnable regional draw, with wake and Louisville in a 2nd round matchup,
but the round of 16 looks tough with Florida
and then possibly the toughest test of all in the quarters, Ucla, who should have been a 1 or 2 seed.
Sure wish they could have drawn an easier quarter opponent.

Yeah, the road to the championship (if they win the first 2 matches) could easily have to go through Florida, UCLA, Oklahoma, and the winner between USC/Virgina. That's what you would call a real "Murder's Row".
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