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Game Thread Ohio State @ Maryland - 11/17/18, 12:00PM (ABC)

Do you plan on giving X's and O's so I can actually have a conversation or just stick with things where I go "uhhh, sure..?".

edit: The fills from these backers and safeties have not been good - at all.

Why go over the Xs and Os if they can't put the right people in on the right places.

And as I type this, they FINALLY did something by putting their superior athletes out on the edge and letting haskins throw them open. That's what they need to do.

More crosses and slants too. If the runs aren't working use the pass to open up the run. And get rid of the read options, no one has respected that all year long and it only delays the runner from hitting the hole. More pull/traps/wham blocks too - if they are going to run it up the gut, get the defense to stop running forward and block them from angles to create movement. Stuff like that.

It's fixable. Urban's too stubborn to commit to the fixes though and he's clearly running the offense again.
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