thats because this is the best way to play an offense like ours...?? ive been trying to explain this for years now. you want to beat our offense? the defensive concept isn't complex. tight coverage man, use your lb's or safeties to attack the tb/qb (whoever is more dangerous with the ball in their hands) and deny the short pass. why do you think jt has ran the ball on almost every single read option to date?
this of course requires a specific level of talent at all levels of your defense as your d line has to be able to fight to a draw at least. your cb's have to be able to fight through blocks to tackle in space and survive on that island in the few down field shots they will get sent at them. the rest of your team has to be fast with excellent vision and be able to tackle in space. most defenses physically can not do this.
you factor in poor weather that all but takes away the deep ball and..... what? have you people not noticed that almost every one of those games occurred in poor weather? 2014 vt is notable because the deep ball was there all night and we went for it. just couldn't manage to complete a deep pass to save our lives. something about really young wr's in 2014. which seems semi familiar for some reason...