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Ohio State 75, Florida 84 (final - NC Game)

Remember Packer's response after the last game, when asked if Oden could be a great all-time player?

He said "No". Nantz then said something like "Do you even see any potential for him to be that type of player?", and Packer said, "No, I realy don't".

Care to reconsider, Mr. Packer?

Keep feeding the big dog!
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BuckeyeMike80;802149; said:
Are you watching the same game we are? Ivan Harris has played Noah even.

Supposedly that was the big mismatch......

All Noah has done is take a shot he never should have attempted and made a few fouls. Yes, Harris is playing him well, but you take one of our guys away and the other 4 will kill you. That's what's so unique about our team.
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