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Ohio State 75, Florida 84 (final - NC Game)

I thought for sure Brewer was going to drain that half courter at the end. JBut can't buy a bucket tonight. I don't know what we can do to adjust because any adjs we make are going to open the game up for Horford and Noah. I say we keep playing them the way we are and hope that the 3 point shooting stats reverse in the 2nd half.
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OSU is only down 11 at half.

Considering Florida got 8 more free throws (making 7 more of them total), hit 4 more 3s and got 2 really cheap fouls on Conley, I think we are lucky we aren't watching a blowout at this point.

Lighty needs to get on Brewer and stick to him.

Butler needs to be stuck to Humphrey.

That leaves Ron on Noah. matchup nightmares abound there.

Time for the 3-2 zone they broke out against G-town.

Best part, DO NOT COMPROMISE REBOUNDING!!! That's how Florida kills teams in the 2nd half.
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scooter1369;802030; said:
Florida can't remain that hot.
I sure as hell hope not. This seemed a lot like the Vols game...just not as bad. Law of averages says they should cool down in the second half. They're gonna have to for us to have a chance. I'm fully confident in these guys' ability to battle back.
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I totally disagree with you guys thinking Florida is bound to cool down. Their bigs haven't done jack shit, and we cannot count on that for the rest of the game.

Our offense needs to get in gear ASAP, and our bigs are going to have to risk defending the 3 off the dribble screens.
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fourteenandoh;802041; said:
I thought for sure Brewer was going to drain that half courter at the end. JBut can't buy a bucket tonight. I don't know what we can do to adjust because any adjs we make are going to open the game up for Horford and Noah. I say we keep playing them the way we are and hope that the 3 point shooting stats reverse in the 2nd half.
They'll play the same style in the second half, with the exception of Oden being more aggressive on defense. Which will allow the guards to press a little more on the perimeter.
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JohnnyCockfight;802045; said:
I totally disagree with you guys thinking Florida is bound to cool down. Their bigs haven't done jack shit, and we cannot count on that for the rest of the game.

Our offense needs to get in gear ASAP, and our bigs are going to have to risk defending the 3 off the dribble screens.

Agreed. But unlike UCLA, we have a big man who can at least make their bigs 1) work on the defensive end and 2) get into foul trouble.

It's a long shot. UF has to start playing badly for us to have any shot.
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