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Ohio State 75, Florida 84 (final - NC Game)

I know BP has said it over 100 times already, but I am very impressed with the passion and smarts that Oden is playing with right now. Hopefully he doesn't tire out. He hasn't played these kind of minutes in awhile.
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scarletandgrey;801997; said:
Scooter....WTF seriously that's an all time low even for you.

Do you really have to stalk to softplayers also...:p

When you have a daughter that decides at the age of 8 that she will earn a softball schollie to Ohio State and become a veternarian, you will start supporting her in every way possible as well.
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The score doesn't reflect it right now, but the Bucks are playing right with these guys. The differential in perimeter shooting efficiency figures to change, and I love the strategy to reserve Oden's fouls for the second half. Despite the score, it's looking fairly positive right now.
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