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Ohio State 68, Findlay 70 (Final)

Wow...really sorry I missed this massive overreaction to an exhibition game. :lol:

Anyway, fast forward to tomorrow, 1:00 ET on CBS:

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) - No matter who wins the NCAA Division II championship, history is going to be made when Cal Poly Pomona plays Findlay on Saturday.

Pomona (25-7) is bidding to become the first unranked team to win the Division II title in 30 years. Top-ranked Findlay (35-0) can become the fourth unbeaten team since the Division II tournament started in 1957.

I'm looking forward to seeing Findlay, and hope they can cap the perfect season with a title.

Findlay and Cal Poly Pomona square off in D2 final - College Basketball - Rivals.com
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