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Game Thread Ohio State 45, Michigan State 7 (Oct. 18)

muffler dragon;1296963; said:
Question: Was Mike Tressel ever on JT's staff?

Yes Mike Tressel was a ga under Uncle Jim during the 2002-3 seasons.

From the MSU site:
Michigan State University Official Athletic Site

Prior to joining Dantonio's staff at Cincinnati, (Mike) Tressel spent two seasons as a graduate assistant coach at Ohio State (2002-03), where he contributed to the Buckeyes' National Championship team in 2002.
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[quote='BusNative;129709;7]Fuck. Griese can hardly put a sentence together... I can't listen to this for a whole game.[/quote]


That was pretty bad, gotta say.

"Beanie.. Terrelle.. Boeckman.. captain.. senior.. uh"
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