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Game Thread Ohio State 45, Michigan State 7 (Oct. 18)

This game worries me.

Injuries on the O-line.

Injuries on the D-line.

A young QB behind that retooled and work in progress O-line.

A D-line facing a pretty damned stout runner who can help our opponent and home team chew up clock.

A Buckeye team that is coming off a curiously flat win last week (made yet more curious by the huge last minute win in Camp Randall the prior week).

So, despite those aforementioned concerns, despite being (realistically) worried I'll hold onto this notion.

The last time the Buckeyes played well, they were away from home.

The last time they played well, they played up to the level of their opposition.

And the last time they played well Pryor played well, on the road, playing up to the level of the competition.

Do it again tomorrow!
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Steve19;1296439; said:
The computers put their SOS about the same as ours, but a bit weaker. They have good wins over Northwestern and California.

The Spartans are a good team but we match up very well with them.

One just wonders, is this the game that Ringer pops? Is it the game that a healthy Beanie has a breakout game?

I am not convinced that a pep talk has turned our line into juggernauts.

Ohio State 17 MSU 10

FYI, they lost to Cal.
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It has been a tough year from what most fans are used to seeing. With a plethora of injuries on both lines for tomorrows game I could finally see us stumbling tommorow. I believe we will be in the game throughout the forth quarter but i do see MSU just pounding the run like Wisconsin did against us for a late game win. I do hope i am wrong but we have a very young team so we can not expect us to play like we did two years ago. But i hope our team shows up and has a good gameplan and we win. GO BUCKS
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Offensive Line injuries- Ok so we lose two players from the two deep? Our starters are intact, and who cares if Rehring/Boone have bad ankles. They're obviously good enough to play so we'll be ok.

Defensive Line Injuries- Who have we lost? Lawrence Wilson..... Ok, normally I would say OUCH, but again what has he done this year that's been so irriplacable though? He was suppose to be a tremendous pass rusher and IMO didn't quite fill the spot there. Obviously, it's better with Wilson than without but he's not irriplaceable. Especially, considering how poor our line has been. Who knows? Maybe this turns out for the bes somehow (more williams/Wells).

As for Pryor. He's been to USC, and then Wisconsin. Both places far more intimidating than East Lansing. IMO, Pryor has played best away from home and with good reason. I think it's hardest for freshman QB's to play infront of the home crowd at his age. With Terrelle's talent I think when he's in Columbus playing he tries to do FAR too much. I expect big things from Pryor this saturday.

Also look at Ringer this way. His average is NOT that great. What that tells me is he's plenty stopable despite all the touches he'll get. Last year, with another back to help him out he was only able to get like 45 yards rushing on almost the same front 7. Honestly, I'd be shocked to see him run for 150+ yards. I think we'll do a bang up job on him. Remember they have a QB who is hit or miss so look for more people near the line of scrimmage.
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5 key factors

Saturday, October 18, 2008 3:18 AM
By Ken Gordon


1. Push 'em back

Ohio State has little chance if the offensive line doesn't rally from a horrible game last week against Purdue. Michigan State's run defense is below average (eighth in the Big Ten). Opportunities will be there, but only if the Buckeyes can make room for the inside running of Chris "Beanie" Wells and the outside option threat of Terrelle Pryor.
2. Who can man up?

With Wells and Michigan State star Javon Ringer running the ball, expect both teams to sell out against the run. The key is which defense is better equipped to stack the box while taking the chance that its secondary can hold up without a lot of help? OSU's defensive backfield is coming off an impressive performance against Purdue.
3. Throw to end zone in red zone

The Buckeyes are worst in the Big Ten at scoring touchdowns in the red zone (40 percent, 8 of 20). One problem recently is that teams are keying on Pryor, expecting him to run. He has shown the capability of throwing down close -- against Troy, he tossed a fade touchdown to receiver Brian Robiskie and a play-action score to tight end Rory Nicol. Bootleg or play-action passes this week might be the answer, particularly with Nicol returning from an injury.

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In the spotlight: Beanie Wells, Brian Hoyer

Saturday, October 18, 2008 3:11 AM
By Tim May




In speaking up about the ills of the Ohio State offense a week ago, Chris "Beanie" Wells said it was time for the Buckeyes to get their act together. But did he also put the onus on himself to deliver against Michigan State tailback Javon Ringer?
"I think Beanie has to perform in any game we play, whether it's against Michigan State or anybody else," backup tailback Maurice Wells said. "Javon Ringer is a great back, he has put up big numbers this year, he is up for the Heisman. But I personally think Beanie is the best back in the country. He had the (right foot) injury to deal with, but he has bounced back."
That's why this game has the makings of a Beanie vs. Ringer duel.

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OSU history | Friend, Foe: Assistants return as opposing head coach

Saturday, October 18, 2008 3:18 AM
By Rob Oller


Beware the fired assistant coach, because someday he just might fire back.
Such a payback happened in 1998 when Nick Saban, who was an assistant for two seasons at Ohio State (1980-81) before being cut loose by Earle Bruce, returned to Ohio Stadium as coach of Michigan State.
It wasn't pretty for the No. 1 Buckeyes, who blew a 17-3 lead in losing to the unranked Spartans 28-24. The loss, among the most heartbreaking in OSU history, pretty much ended the Buckeyes' national title hopes.

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Michigan State's Kershaw, fellow Ohioans gear up for shot at OSU

Saturday, October 18, 2008 3:24 AM
By Bob Baptist

Justin Kershaw is one of three Ohio natives serving as captains this year at Michigan State.

This does not and likely never will rival the rivalry Ohio State has with That School Up North.
Ohio State and that other Big Ten school up there, Michigan State, don't have that much history between them. The current pupil-vs.-professor role play involving the Spartans' Mark Dantonio and former mentor Jim Tressel of Ohio State offers a Bo-vs.-Woody parallel, but there's not much more to chew on.
It would be a mistake, however, to tell the native Ohioans on the Michigan State roster that today's game doesn't have big-picture implications. They've spent their careers waiting for a game like this.
"We've put ourselves into position to compete for the Big Ten" championship, said defensive tackle Justin Kershaw, a fifth-year senior from Reynoldsburg. "Ohio State's been the best team in the Big Ten the past couple years. We know we can compete and we can win this game, and that's special."

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On the edge

Saturday, October 18, 2008 6:36 AM

When Buckeyes run


The offensive line rededicated itself this week to playing with more speed and tighter choreography. Running back Chris "Beanie" Wells is coming off his first sub-100 yard game of the season, and he said there needs to be more passing to help open up the run. Last week, Purdue hemmed in freshman QB Terrelle Pryor on the option and scrambles. Michigan State is just eighth in the Big Ten vs. the run, but Purdue's was 11th.
When Buckeyes pass


Pryor had his least effective passing game as a starter last week, partly because Purdue was able to pressure and contain him. Wells wants more effort in getting the ball to the receivers, including Brian Robiskie, Brian Hartline, Ray Small and freshmen DeVier Posey and Lamaar Thomas. The Spartans are ninth in the conference in pass defense, but the Buckeyes have given up the most sacks (19).
When Spartans run


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