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Game Thread Ohio State 30, Illinois 20 (Nov 15)

hope you guys don't mind but the wife just brought me in a plate of goodies from the schools bake sale.
let's see we have
1 choc chip cookie.
,, snarf and it's gone
1 choc square type of cookie, mmm tasty
a pnut butter cookie , kinda hard.
and OH Hell yeah! i large choc cupcake laden with frosting .

mmmm chomp chew mmm mmmm.
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Best Buckeye;1327143; said:
hope you guys don't mind but the wife just brought me in a plate of goodies from the schools bake sale.
let's see we have
1 choc chip cookie.
,, snarf and it's gone
1 choc square type of cookie, mmm tasty
a pnut butter cookie , kinda hard.
and OH Hell yeah! i large choc cupcake laden with frosting .

mmmm chomp chew mmm mmmm.

Homemade chocolate covered cherries here :wink2:
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