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Game Thread Ohio State 30, Illinois 20 (Nov 15)

VegasBuckeye;1326674; said:
TP has swagger and confidence. He is having fun, and he is saying what he really feels instead of some robotic canned statement.

The free speech may end starting next season after he's coached by both the coaching staff and media relations department.
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Special teams is deciding games today. We have a blocked punt, Michigan has a blocked punt, and Georgia just muffed a punt recovered by Auburn and Georgia ruffed the kicker...crazy.
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VegasBuckeye;1326674; said:
TP has swagger and confidence. He is having fun, and he is saying what he really feels instead of some robotic canned statement.

I think I was misunderstood.

I wasn't a big fan of the selection of quotes that made TP sound like an arrogant bastard.
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