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Game Thread Ohio State 30, Illinois 20 (Nov 15)

We are having success blitzing we are a split second from hitting Juice before he has thrown it and making a big play. Its going to take longer for a play to develop on 3rd and long....why not blitz at least one worst comes to worse you hurry him and he throws a short pass for less than 18 yards.
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CentralMOBuck;1326591; said:
Announcers please make up your mind. Are you gonna ride Juice's dick when he makes good plays or are you going to bash him when he doesn't?

Sounds like you've never listened to Andre Ware before. Prepare to watch him flip flop the entire flipping game.
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VegasBuckeye;1326597; said:
We are having success blitzing we are a split second from hitting Juice before he has thrown it and making a big play. Its going to take longer for a play to develop on 3rd and long....why not blitz at least one worst comes to worse you hurry him and he throws a short pass for less than 18 yards.

CALLED IT!!!!!!!!
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