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Game Thread Ohio State 24, Michigan State 17 (final)

unbelievable.... I'd rather be up 10-0 with a shutout still. This is amazing how our defense plays lights out every game but we always find a way to give up points.

I don't know what to think right now it's all happened so damn fast..
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Our Offense needs to figure shit out and get back to a shorter passing game and mix in a few screens they are sendin the house and we are folding like a house of cards right now! cmon mo wells look inside first man cmon!!
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With every bad thing, you get a good thing. The offensive coaching can now bring these guys back from the brink and build some poise for the future. The offense needs to lay some smack down and we need to adjust to this 7 man rush. This is not John Cooper or 1998.
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