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Game Thread Ohio State 24, Michigan State 17 (final)

23Skidoo;965145; said:
I don't know that MSU will be the best team OSU has played this year. But there is no doubt they haven't faced a running attack like this, and the young Dline will be tested for the first time. I think the speed of the defense and physical corners will keep Ringer in check, but Caulcrick could be interesting. I wouldn't be surprised at all if some 3rd-and-shorts keep MSU in the game.

And I hope Heyward brings the attitude he left the KSU game with. :evil:

They are by far the toughest team to date. I agree that they won't be the toughest all year.

All in all I keep coming back to the same basic thought that Milli kind of touched on above. Our D will affect their Offense more than their D will affect our Offense. If they do some things vs our D then its not the end of the world, they have guys on scholarship too.

Someone posted earlier in the year his blackjack theory and I think it was spot on. Every game essentially we need to just break 21 because odds are that our opponent will not. If you think about it like that it really helps take away a lot of the anxiety that can build given a week to over analyze a game.

For this one seeing as its one of the better overall offenses in the country I'll go crazy and say we have to break 28 to win. Anyone really scared we can't do that to their defense?
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Jaxbuck;965186; said:
They are by far the toughest team to date.

I really want to believe this, except for the fact that they let Northwestern not only beat them, but hang 48 points on them in the process. The same Northwestern that Duke used to snap its 22-game losing streak. The same Northwestern that we demolished 58-7. Who did MSU beat? UAB? Bowling Green? Notre Dame? I'm unimpressed. Very much so.

I want to say that this game against Michigan State will raise the bar for us, but something in me just won't accept them as our test. This isn't to say that they couldn't show up and prove themselves, only that as of right now I cannot look at them and see a great team.
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I don't know that MSU will be the best team OSU has played this year.

On your average Saturday I agree - MSU is not that impressive. But this is Dantonio's first real chance to beat his mentor. They did not have NU circled on their calendar and they don't feature key players at the skill positions from the state of Illinois.

I look for MSU to come out very strong and give our D as big a test in the first quarter as we may see until Michigan. Our depth on D and special teams should tell the tale. That, and keeping the crowd in the game if things don't go well early.

JT has some offense in his back pocket that I am sure he wold prefer to keep there for at least a week. It will take a stellar effort by our D to enable him to do that.
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Oh8ch;965212; said:
On your average Saturday I agree - MSU is not that impressive. But this is Dantonio's first real chance to beat his mentor. They did not have NU circled on their calendar and they don't feature key players at the skill positions from the state of Illinois.

I look for MSU to come out very strong and give our D as big a test in the first quarter as we may see until Michigan. Our depth on D and special teams should tell the tale. That, and keeping the crowd in the game if things don't go well early.

JT has some offense in his back pocket that I am sure he wold prefer to keep there for at least a week. It will take a stellar effort by our D to enable him to do that.

This does feel like one of those Tresselball games. If the Bucks get up early (as I expect), the game will probably hover around a 10-14 point lead for the Bucks while they play their bend-don't break D and just enough O to get it done. Just grin and win!

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MuckFich06;965217; said:
This does feel like one of those Tresselball games. If the Bucks get up early (as I expect), the game will probably hover around a 10-14 point lead for the Bucks while they play their bend-don't break D and just enough O to get it done. Just grin and win!


:io: Yup this will be another win that we still beat no one ***rollseyes***
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we're screwed. the announcer on the PSU game just said Ringer is too good and MSU is going to win. :roll1:

Not trying to sound arrogant, but its funny to see what happens to 150 ypg running backs when they play a defense that can tackle. those 70 yard TD runs turn into 5 yard carries. I say bucks win a semi-close game. We pull away late and win by 10-14
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