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2026 OH OL Sam Greer (Verbal Offer)

  • Four-star 2026 offensive lineman Sam Greer: “I thought OSU played great and it was another great experience, talking to a couple of the coaches like coach Frye. Most of the coaches were just asking how I was doing and when I’d be back.”
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Top 12. Feels like he’s a Buckeye if the coaches can continue to build that relationship. Could use a 6’8” tackle

NEED! The 2026 OL class for OH is something we've been dreaming about! Greer, Riley and Conroy alone is a great 3 in state. And Mentor's Larry Brede could be a sleeper offer if he proves it in camp.
There seems to be enough in the pipeline to provide tOSU with talented skill players for awhile. Having a top flight Oline can only enhance the offensive production. Success begats success I guess. Seems like there are deep valleys between good-to-great Olines in Columbus, so hopefully recruits are taking notice of what the Buckeyes are doing. Would love to see 4-5*s stacked up on the Oline, just waiting to get on the field, so maybe that starts happening, to go along with the plethora of skill players that are stacking up. After all, this is Ohio State, the envy of 98% of the college football world. Go Bucks!
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6'8" | 290 LBS | OT | 2026

Ohio State has always been pegged as the program to beat for Greer and that could still be the case for the 2026 four-star offensive lineman from Akron (Ohio) Hoban but others are involved as well.
Missouri is definitely a major one to watch for Greer as Florida, Tennessee and USC are also high on the list. The four-star will be in Knoxville this weekend and could head somewhere else as well.
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