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Non-believers view a rational one in light of things like this?


Loathing All Things Georgia
Warring monks threaten destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre - Times Online

A long-running row over the rights to a rooftop
section of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre could
bring the entire structure tumbling down, destroying
Christendom?s holiest site...

...Relations between the two groups have remained
tense ever since, with the Coptic Church refusing
to relinquish its claim to the monastery and posting
a single monk there at all times. In the midst of a
blistering heatwave in the summer of 2002, the
Coptic monk on duty moved his chair from its
agreed spot to a shadier corner. The move was
taken as a hostile manoeuvre by the Ethiopians
and 11 monks needed hospital treatment after
the ensuing fracas.
Interesting and sad story. Another example of how Christianity has let forms of paganism into its belief system over the last 2000 years to its own detriment and more disturbing, to the profaning of God.

I think a poster on the comments section of the page you linked said it very well:

This discord is not an indictment of God, of Jesus, or of religion in general. It is an indictment of these specific people who have degenerated into idolatry. I was in Jerusalem in 2006. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was a sad, depressing place. However, the Garden Tomb was lovely & peaceful
Therese McGee, Chicago, USA
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"Non-believers view a rational one in light of things like this? "

Absolutely. Two groups of atheists would never fight over petty bullshit for silly reasons. :so:

The fun thing is that this thread will be a nice mirror for individual prejudicial beliefs. *Waves at Buckeyegrad*
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buckeyegrad;1292877; said:
Interesting and sad story. Another example of how Christianity has let forms of paganism into its belief system over the last 2000 years to its own detriment and more disturbing, to the profaning of God.
Or, alternatively, another example that Christians remain sinners, subject to the same pettiness, anger and other fallibilities that everyone else is.
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MaxBuck;1303031; said:
Or, alternatively, another example that Christians remain sinners, subject to the same pettiness, anger and other fallibilities that everyone else is.

I'm not going to disagree with what you say here, though it shouldn't be that way. Of course, my question then becomes is it because of these faults that we have allowed pagan ideas into our faith or is it because we have allowed pagan ideas into our faith that we still carry these faults?
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buckeyegrad;1307969; said:
I'm not going to disagree with what you say here, though it shouldn't be that way. Of course, my question then becomes is it because of these faults that we have allowed pagan ideas into our faith or is it because we have allowed pagan ideas into our faith that we still carry these faults?

I choose C.
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buckeyegrad;1307969; said:
I'm not going to disagree with what you say here, though it shouldn't be that way. Of course, my question then becomes is it because of these faults that we have allowed pagan ideas into our faith or is it because we have allowed pagan ideas into our faith that we still carry these faults?
It's because we remain humans. Nothing to do with "pagan beliefs" IMO.
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Taosman;1308531; said:
I might need a better definition of "pagan ideas"? :sad:

Philosophies, mythologies, and traditions that do not originate from the Old or New Testaments. A better adjective than "pagan" would probably be "Gentile". I use the two words interchangeably and sometimes forget that not everyone does.
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MaxBuck;1309223; said:
It's because we remain humans. Nothing to do with "pagan beliefs" IMO.

Yes, we remain human, and therefore must battle against the flesh; but at the same time those of us who believe salvation comes through the death and resurrection of Jesus also acknowledge that when we receive salvation our hearts are to be circumcized and we receive the Holy Spirit. This being the case, why do we retain all these faults to the degree we do? Again, I'm not saying they are going to disappear all together, that won't happen until the resurrection of the dead, but they should diminish to a much greater extent than we typically see among all Christians, regardless of denomination.
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Taosman;1309283; said:
"our hearts are to be circumcised" ? Interesting, perhaps unfortunate choice of words there, grad. :tongue2:

Not sure what you use the word "unfortunate". I take it you really don't know what that phrase means. Oh, and it isn't my word, it is Paul using a phrase that was used by Moses.

Is it so wrong to acknowledge that we are basically animals with big brains?

As I believe God has revealed otherwise, yes it is. Is it so wrong to acknowledge a transcendent existence beyond being animals with big brains?
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