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NIT Championship: #1 Ohio State 92, #2 UMass 85 (final)

Maybe they need the play-by-play posted.

KK sitting with an early foul.

Lighty with points off a steal.

Twig hits a 3, hustles down his own missed 3, taps it to Butler, who hits a 3.

9-0 run takes it from 2-10 to 11-10.
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Harris hits a J in the lane, 11-12.

Hunter hits from 18. 13-12.

Butler misses a 3, Hunter taps it twice to make it 15-12

Harris hits a 3, 15-15. Lowe feeds Milligan inside 15-17.

KK hits from the elbow, 17-17.

Foul on tOSU. Then a good call on a hook - Brower trying to get out of a double-team.

Turner fouled on a drive, shooting 2. Makes a pair 19-17.

PJ Hill in. Harris hits a 3, 19-20.

Turner throws it inside too hard to Hunter, turnover.

Under 12 minute TV timeout.

So far, the offense is good, the defense is a little shaky, the pace favors UMass.
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On pace for about 100 points apiece. :biggrin:

We need to get back quicker on defense and hit the boards on every missed shot.
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Harris hits a 3 after Lowe got in trouble deep, 19-23.

PJ Hill misses from outside.

Brower picks up a vlocked shot and hits a spin move, 19-25.

Lighty hits a 3, 22-25.

Milligan steals away a rebound off a missed 3, 22-27.

Hill misses a runner, then UMASS travels on the breakout.

Butler back in.
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Turner hits a 3, 25-29.

A pass to Butler on a breakaway after a steal cost a bucket, and Butler committed a foul trying to get it back.

Under 8 minute TV timeout.
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Lauderdale and Twig pplaying inside. Lauderdale with another block.

Twig knocks it away, Butler on a nice breakout layup, 27-29.

Nice traveling call on Milligan inside when double-teamed.

Butler nicely stops a fastbreak.

Forbes with an impressive layup, 27-31.

Forbes misses a layup,

Butler fouled. 5:44 left in the half.
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KK and Hunter back in.

Butler misses a 3. Forbes with the board.

KK misses a twisting 5-footer.

Binner hits a deep 3, 27-34.

Bucks miss inside, Bucks tip the ball, but Forbes gets an open 3, 27-37.

Under 4 minute TV timeout.
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