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Nintendo Wii $250 on November 19th.

Nintendo unveils WiiFit w/ Wii Balance board at E3.

Balance board is wireless, can calculate weight, shifting weight, balance & BMI. WiiFit pack includes approx 40 exercises, from push-ups to yoga to step-aerobics. Shifting weight sensing was demonstrated with a "soccer header" competition, where the board reflected left/right lunges in the game. Board is independent of the Wii remote, and API is available to third parties to develop for it, so 3rd parties could conceivably develop for both: FPS where you point & shoot with the Wiimote+Nunchuk and dodge & weave on the Balance board.

Peripheral actually looks quite appealing, as it's not some over-sized DDR-style mat.

The "hardcore" will mock it is another gimmick/fad targeted at soccer moms, but Nintendo is going to sell 50 million of these things. If the yoga component doesn't suck, this could well wind up being the biggest selling console game ever.


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Dryden;880010; said:
Nintendo unveils WiiFit w/ Wii Balance board at E3.

Balance board is wireless, can calculate weight, shifting weight, balance & BMI. WiiFit pack includes approx 40 exercises, from push-ups to yoga to step-aerobics. Shifting weight sensing was demonstrated with a "soccer header" competition, where the board reflected left/right lunges in the game. Board is independent of the Wii remote, and API is available to third parties to develop for it, so 3rd parties could conceivably develop for both: FPS where you point & shoot with the Wiimote+Nunchuk and dodge & weave on the Balance board.

Peripheral actually looks quite appealing, as it's not some over-sized DDR-style mat.

The "hardcore" will mock it is another gimmick/fad targeted at soccer moms, but Nintendo is going to sell 50 million of these things. If the yoga component doesn't suck, this could well wind up being the biggest selling console game ever.

i wonder if it will hold my fat ass? :shake:
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Other Wii E3 News:

Nintendo reveals the "Zapper" gun component, which holds the Wiimote & Nunchuk together like a Tommy Gun for FPS games. Retail of $19.99 will even include an unnamed "surprise" game. Duck Hunt?!. Capcom and EA already have games in production for it. EA's next Medal of Honor series title for Wii was shown with the "Zapper," and it'll have 32-player online.

Mario Kart Wii shown, includes steering wheel peripheral + online multiplayer, projected Q1 2008.

Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 shown. Both looked amazing. Galaxy dated for November 12, Metroid Prime 3 on August 27, and Smash Bros Brawl dated for December 3 -- no word on Brawl online, if it's lacking that'll seriously suck.

Madden 08, FIFA 08, and Guitar Hero III also shown and confirmed all have online play.


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More pics from Galaxy & Kart


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Nyko Wii Party Station ...

Hey! A third party accessory that doesn't suck! The Nyko Wii Party Station was shown at E3, and it features: 4 freezable gel cup holders, a chip/dip tray, 4 Wii remote holders, a drawer for nunchuks, a fan to blow-dry sweaty hands like what you'd find in the ball return at a bowling alley, and four +/- LED displays to keep score of Ws/Ls from your mini-games. All for only $24.95.

Apparently though, Nyko underestimated us fat, lazy Americans, who all scoffed that the chip holder wasn't big enough. Nyko will correct that in the next prototype.

If this thing actually hits streets at $24.95, I'll pick one up. This would be awesome to have for Wii parties, and this is the first third party accessory I've seen in probably ten years that fills a void Nintendo won't address with their (usually superior) first party hardware.


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so i finally had the chance to play the wii..

its awesome, i was sweating after wii sports and kicked my buddies ass in bowling.. his wii experience proved too much for me in everything else

it was fun as hell.. i dig it, and i will be buying one once the price drops.. but i am happy i got a PS3 first
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Bleed S & G;881406; said:
so i finally had the chance to play the wii..

its awesome, i was sweating after wii sports and kicked my buddies ass in bowling.. his wii experience proved too much for me in everything else

it was fun as hell.. i dig it, and i will be buying one once the price drops.. but i am happy i got a PS3 first

see this is why i dont get you..

you are bitching about the price of a wii ($250) yet you bought a PS3 ($600)

there is something just not right in your head.
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Ginn4Heisman;881412; said:
see this is why i dont get you..

you are bitching about the price of a wii ($250) yet you bought a PS3 ($600)

there is something just not right in your head.
i had to unignore you to read this, so i apologise for the delayed response

umm when did i bitch about the price numbnuts?

and i didnt buy the 600 dollar version, i bought the 20G $400 version, attached an external HD to it and i'm set.

whats hard to understand that i wanted a PS3 because im a sports/FPS gamer.. i rather graphics and power than a (once thought) goofy gyro controller with N64 graphics.

im willing to shell out the cash for a PS3, but since i've gone this long w/o a wii and with MotorStorm, NCAA Madden NBA 08, and Resistance i have no need to buy a wii tonight.. i can sit on it for a few months until they drop below 200 and buy one at a great price.

but anyways back to your, typical, idiotic post.. when did i bitch about wii's price? it's priced great as a matter of fact, thus the sales.

Ginn4Heisman;881413; said:
not to mention with them still being as hot as they are and not on the shelves anywhere (unlike the ps3) they will not be dropping the price of them anytime soon.

and then i'll sit and wait.. sony bashing fuckin fanboy :lol:

lol, you 'dont get me'.. god just shut up. you lurk around for my posts like it's your job.. go get a life.
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