Serenity now
Pay your credit card bill on time and you don't give a flying F about interest rates. My credit card company has never made a dime off me from interest rates (and no annual fee), meanwhile they're giving me an instant 3% rebate on gas purchases and 1% back on everything else I buy. Sure, they make the standard merchant fees, but they're going to get that either way.
And yes, I do drop those postage-paid envelopes in the mail. I never thought of over-stuffing them, but it does sound like a good idea. What gets me the most is when the company I already have a card with still sends me applications for new cards from them at least 2-3 times a week.
Maybe I will stuff the literature I receive from one company into another company's envelope. I think Capital One would love to know about the latest offer for a Citi platinum card, and vice versa.
And yes, I do drop those postage-paid envelopes in the mail. I never thought of over-stuffing them, but it does sound like a good idea. What gets me the most is when the company I already have a card with still sends me applications for new cards from them at least 2-3 times a week.
Maybe I will stuff the literature I receive from one company into another company's envelope. I think Capital One would love to know about the latest offer for a Citi platinum card, and vice versa.