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NFL Discussion (Official Thread)

Guys - we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.

I'm gonna just make my last argument here, and I'll use a more "close to home" comparison....

Miami fans are still butt hurt that you guys beat them in the National Championship in 03. They all still cry foul on the "borderline PI" call that went your way.
That penalty had a direct bearing on the outcome of that game, too. Heck - as an objective observer, I think it was a bad flag - but I hold the same response about that game that I do for this game. IF Miami wanted to win that game, then they:

-Don't let MC strip Sean Taylor
-Don't give up picks to Fox and Doss
-Don't let a guy get right in punch drunk Dorsey's face and let him actually attempt a pass.

They can still complain all they want to about the flag (and they do). There were other factors that helped decided the outcome of that game, and there was still game to be played at that point - and they blew it.

Different circumstances, maybe. But that's what I'm sticking to here.
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To make this clear, the non call didn't hand the Rams the win. What it did was take the win from the Saints though. LA had just taken the TO, NO was in full control of the clock and could have just taken the knee for the FG. As Josh pointed out - a FG they made. So unless you're going to sit there and argue in the face of daunting odds... Which I'm fine with. It just defies what is logic and probable.

A complete 180 from your poli board posts that usually involve reason, logic and facts.

If I asked you to place a million dollar bet taking the Saints somehow missing a chipshot FG in a dome, 10/10 you don't take that bet. So if you wouldn't argue that probability, then why bother with this one? Pure emotion. I get it.
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Miami fans are still butt hurt that you guys beat them in the National Championship in 03. They all still cry foul on the "borderline PI" call that went your way.
A game that should have never reached OT.

OSU's final 3rd down
Gamble blatantly held twice on route
Gamble catches the first down
Neither called properly

OSU's punt on the next play
AJ Hawk had the PR dead to rights
Miami blatantly clips him, springing a huge PR setting up a FG try (for an offense that barely moved forward all game)

The comparisons to this game are many.
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Guys - we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.

I'm gonna just make my last argument here, and I'll use a more "close to home" comparison....

Miami fans are still butt hurt that you guys beat them in the National Championship in 03. They all still cry foul on the "borderline PI" call that went your way.
That penalty had a direct bearing on the outcome of that game, too. Heck - as an objective observer, I think it was a bad flag - but I hold the same response about that game that I do for this game. IF Miami wanted to win that game, then they:

-Don't let MC strip Sean Taylor
-Don't give up picks to Fox and Doss
-Don't let a guy get right in punch drunk Dorsey's face and let him actually attempt a pass.

They can still complain all they want to about the flag (and they do). There were other factors that helped decided the outcome of that game, and there was still game to be played at that point - and they blew it.

Different circumstances, maybe. But that's what I'm sticking to here.
Show me a replay that is even a tenth as definitive as the Saints call, and I'll consider your comparison.

You can agree to disagree all you want, but your argument is flawed. If the refs make that call correctly, the Saints win. That's why people are "butthurt about the officiating right now".
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To make this clear, the non call didn't hand the Rams the win. What it did was take the win from the Saints though. LA had just taken the TO, NO was in full control of the clock and could have just taken the knee for the FG. As Josh pointed out - a FG they made. So unless you're going to sit there and argue in the face of daunting odds... Which I'm fine with. It just defies what is logic and probable.

A complete 180 from your poli board posts that usually involve reason, logic and facts.

If I asked you to place a million dollar bet taking the Saints somehow missing a chipshot FG in a dome, 10/10 you don't take that bet. So if you wouldn't argue that probability, then why bother with this one? Pure emotion. I get it.

I have no skin in this game, either way, mind you. I'm not dismissing the probability of the situation - I'm just saying that when you're talking about something that involves a human factor - I've learned not to always play the odds because crazy shit happens. I've also learned the hard way that you have to control the factors that are in your control and try not to worry about the ones outside of your control.
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Show me a replay that is even a tenth as definitive as the Saints call, and I'll consider your comparison.

You can agree to disagree all you want, but your argument is flawed. If the refs make that call correctly, the Saints win. That's why people are "butthurt about the officiating right now".

Again - I'm not disagreeing that the call wasn't a bad call. I've conceded that fact numerous times here. I'm just saying that the Saints still had more chances to win that game. That seems to be getting lost in the argument here.
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I have no skin in this game, either way, mind you. I'm not dismissing the probability of the situation - I'm just saying that when you're talking about something that involves a human factor - I've learned not to always play the odds because crazy shit happens. I've also learned the hard way that you have to control the factors that are in your control and try not to worry about the ones outside of your control.

Youre not dismissing the odds then saying probability be damned. You mention the human factor - but that is exactly what the refs would be in your argument.. The human factor.

The only thing left to address is if you believe Breesy fumbles a kneel down or a miss on a 25 yard FG. Those make more sense than "there was time left you play to win raaaahhhh"
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Your not dismissing the odds then saying probability be damned. You mention the human factor - but that is exactly what the refs would be in your argument.. The human factor.

The only thing left to address is if you believe Breesy fumbles a kneel down or a miss on a 25 yard FG. Those make more sense than "there was time left you play to win raaaahhhh"

Well...there was one guy once....

"There's nothing automatic in football..."
-John Madden

P.S. - your "there was time left you play to win raaaahhhh" has me rolling here
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Again - I'm not disagreeing that the call wasn't a bad call. I've conceded that fact numerous times here. I'm just saying that the Saints still had more chances to win that game. That seems to be getting lost in the argument here.
That point isn't lost on anybody. What seems to be lost on you is that, despite the Saints not doing enough to win by 57 so that one call didn't matter......they still did enough to win by at least 1 point had that call been made, which is all that should be asked of any team. For some reason, the Saints needed to do even more than that, though.

And looking at it from the other sideline...that team DIDN'T do enough with their plays to have more points than the Saints, minus one terrible call that should have been made correctly.
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Well...there was one guy once....

"There's nothing automatic in football..."
-John Madden

P.S. - your "there was time left you play to win raaaahhhh" has me rolling here
Which was a team losing the game. Short of a block run back for six, or a crazy fumble on a kneel, LA had no capacity to win that game with the obvious flag thrown on 3rd down.
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