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I am an IBM'er but Lenovo has taken them over.
I travel and mine takes a beating. I have had too many Dells and Compaq crap out after a year. You get a three year warranty on many ThinkPads.

Your Dells have crapped out? My Dell I've had for a year has been wonderful. I know Dell PCs have their bugs but I always liked their laptops. Compaqs I know aren't very good.
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They could not take the beating of travel. I had two in one year when I worked for DuPont. Broken hinges, cracked screens, modems stopped working. They left a very bad impression on me. The Compaq was a piece of crap from the beginning. Do they even sell Compaq anymore or are they all branded HP now?
I have a Dell server I use as my home PC and it is running strong.
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My wife and kid's PC crashed last week. It was an old dual processor IBM work station. It ran for 7 years. It probably just needs a new power source but with dual 1GHZ processors, slow memory, USB 1.1 and a whooping 8GB drive I decided to upgrade. I'll give the parts to the school.

I spent a few days looking through all the options. I am an IBM business partner so I can get new fairly cheap. I ran across another IBM workstation, single processor, loaded with memory and two drives for $250 on ebay. I hope I can get 7 years out of this although my oldest is into iPods and music so I may not be so lucky.

If you can live with one generation older technology there are some deals out there. Check TigerDirect for refurbs and open box also.
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both people in my family who bought dell's are pissed because they both suck after less than 15 months.

they've both had multiple issues with their laptops and they both hate dell. :) i have a gateway and love it. fast, not one problem after 18 months now. not one!
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my last 5 machines have been Dells... but the Dell laptop (which is 18 mths old.. and top of the line) is experiencing problems... now we find that there's a significant trend in Dells overheating.. and automatically shutting down to prevent damage... seems that the cases have a design flaw and doesn't dissipate heat... we're told we have to yank the fan/processor unit every 6 mths and clear out dust... plus we have to buy a cooling pad to place the laptop on... else it shuts down... using it on your lap or bed is a certainty to overheat... generally the Dells are pretty heavy too...

I also use a Sony which has been a stud... but really cranked thru the battery until I found a replacement battery on the web that permits 6-8 hours of USE between charges... but again, the new battery brought addl weight...

I used a number of IBMs over the last 6 years... and have to admit... they did very well... and took abuse... but they were sooo expensive...
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