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New 'Academic Encourager'

i believe it was classes such as Golf I; AIDS: What Every College Student Should Know; and Music 140, Music Cultures of the World
Those were also summer electives...

Do you think that nd would take an Andy Katzenmoyer if they could get him? I certainly do with that piss poor defense they trotted out on the field this past season.
I will tell you that they do give offers before even looking at a transcript....you can draw your own conclusions.
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man you guys get so worked up,,, i just said why he was the academic whipping boy
You know that little bit still annoys me to no end.

The Big Kat stayed academically eligible his entire time at Ohio State. He didn't miss classes or post a 0.0 GPA his last quarter.

After his injury shortened NFL career he returned to school to persue his degree.

How exactly does he deserve to be the academic whipping boy?
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i believe it was classes such as Golf I; AIDS: What Every College Student Should Know; and Music 140, Music Cultures of the World

Well, when I got my college degree, I had to take 2 phys ed courses. I took softball and billiards, which would generally be classified in the same group as golf. Mock it if you want, but it was a requirement for me.

The AIDS awareness course is something that should be a requirement at every college (not to mention high school) in America, in my opinion.

The music course could probably be used to fulfill a cultural diversity requirment, or would be an early requirement toward some sort of music degree.

Are these classes the most mentally taxing in the course catalog? No, definitely not.

Are they all legitimate college courses, all of which presumably require attendance and a certain amount of out of classroom work? Yes.

The important thing is that Kat returned to school and from what someone else said, he has received his degree. He should be commended for doing that, and not ridiculed for something that happened 10 years ago.
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im just saying when youre a lb in the spotlight and you say youre eligibility rides on those classes, it doesnt make you look too smart.. i realize some stuff like that is needed, but if youre a high profile person, id keep it under wraps,,, letting that out only adds fuel to the fire that college athletes dont do shit in school
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And I'm just saying that when you come on a Buckeye board and start calling out a Buckeye about his academics/intelligence you should be above reproach yourself.

That means you should use the word "leaked" instead of "leeked."

That means you should use the correct form of your:

im just saying when youre a lb in the spotlight and you say youre eligibility rides on those classes, it doesnt make you look too smart..
What you said is "im just saying when youre (you are) a lb in the spotlight and you say youre (you are) eligibility rides on those classes, it doesnt make you look too smart..."

I'm not usually the spelling/grammar police (because mine isn't all that great), but nd fans are an exception.
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hey, im just here for good reads and scUM hating.... how did the class schedule get out though, wasnt it katzenmoyer who leeked it??? i think that shit should be more under raps, but hey if you say youre taking those classes be ready for the media to eat it up

As Grad21 said, welcome to BP!

Be sure to be on the lookout for our spelling and grammar classes--Wednesday evenings at 7pm.
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well then you guys will be bitching about my grammar quite often because unless its getting graded or going to one of the officers for review i dont care about the spelling,,,, but about the calling a buckeye out,,, i simply stated why he was labled the whipping boy, that is the reason, unfair? maybe but shit happens you know, you guys know the media will jump on anything like that and ride you into the dirt,,, well unless youre from california and take a dance class, then youre cool and not dumb
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well then you guys will be bitching about my grammar quite often because unless its getting graded or going to one of the officers for review i dont care about the spelling,,,, but about the calling a buckeye out,,, i simply stated why he was labled the whipping boy, that is the reason, unfair? maybe but shit happens you know, you guys know the media will jump on anything like that and ride you into the dirt,,, well unless youre from california and take a dance class, then youre cool and not dumb

I liked you better as "Weisguy"

Welcome back to BP.
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Now everyone, we ought to help a Domer out here. Our own Encouragement team, if you will. NDC can lead the team and teach him how to keep his cool. Thump gets grammar, High Lonesome is in charge of spelling, Mili will handle etiquette, and I'll coach drinking and creative profanity. Plan? :p
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