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Herbie for President
I just received a coupon in the mail for 40% any Dell computer (desktop or laptop) as long as the original price is $999.99 or more (XPS sytems not included)...

I don't know if it's a one and done coupon or not... My brother needs a new computer, after he uses it, I'll post the coupon so others can use if Dell permits it...It doesn't expire until the first or second week in May...
I just received a coupon in the mail for 40% any Dell computer (desktop or laptop) as long as the original price is $999.99 or more (XPS sytems not included)...

I don't know if it's a one and done coupon or not... My brother needs a new computer, after he uses it, I'll post the coupon so others can use if Dell permits it...It doesn't expire until the first or second week in May...
I think Clarity is the market for one.
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For those of us non techies... what is a good computer? (I've had problems with HP/Compaq)... Sony, IBM...??

Personally, I'm staying away from Sony for an undetermined period of time. They got caught (twice, I believe) with the rootkit installations spawning from their music CDs. With un-ethical practices like that, I have no desire to buy anything from Sony, as it is obvious they show no regards for integrity.

From my experience, Dells are generally decent machines as long as everything is working right, but if anything ever goes wrong, you've entered a nightmare. I've heard countless horror stories of customer service (or lack thereof) and getting machines that they cannot upgrade or exchange parts, so Dell gets quite a bad rep for such actions.

That said, I have nothing against IBM. Yet :wink2:
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Honestly there is not a single manufacturer that's worth a shit. I always tell people to go to their local Staples and buy a compaq or HP, because they are all shit anyway, but at least if something breaks, you can deal with your local staples and such :biggrin:
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When Moeller High School decided to go with laptops for every student, they signed a contract with Dell. The next year IBM undercut the Dell price and the school foolishly went with them. Result one: two parts lists. result two: More down time/ repairs with the IBM's than with the two year old Dells.

I've had two Dell laptops and two Dell PCs over an 8 year span and they have been reliable machines. Most of my problems have come from bad software... bless you Bill Gates... rather than hardware.

That being said, Dell outsourced their customer service a few years ago and I've ended up talking to people who sound a lot like my old calculus prof. I didn't understand a damn thing he said either.

The techie at Hamilton County Education Service Center swears by a firm out of Dayton that builds your computer one at a time. They do all the computers, including repairing and reconfiguring the myriad kinds of computers you find in a county wide system that also serves private schools. Sorry I don't have the name but if your interested I could find out.
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thanks all... I figured you're screwed no matter who you purchase from...


I'm not in the market, however I am interested to know what the firm is (if they aren't too pricey I might move my business to them).

I have two Dell's... I have yet to have a problem, although I've heard of horror stories.

CDW claims they use much better parts than Dell (this is how they justify their increased prices)... is this true, or is CDW just increasing their margins?
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