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HP's IMO are the best pre-built computers you can get on the market. Sony VIOS are ok, but i like HP alot better.

The best computer you can get though is one you have custom built, or build it yourself (like i do).
It's scary to hear that. HP's come with so much spyware factory installed on them it isn't even funny. If you do order one, wipe it and install windows clean asap.
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When Moeller High School decided to go with laptops for every student, they signed a contract with Dell. The next year IBM undercut the Dell price and the school foolishly went with them. Result one: two parts lists. result two: More down time/ repairs with the IBM's than with the two year old Dells.

I've had two Dell laptops and two Dell PCs over an 8 year span and they have been reliable machines. Most of my problems have come from bad software... bless you Bill Gates... rather than hardware.

That being said, Dell outsourced their customer service a few years ago and I've ended up talking to people who sound a lot like my old calculus prof. I didn't understand a damn thing he said either.

The techie at Hamilton County Education Service Center swears by a firm out of Dayton that builds your computer one at a time. They do all the computers, including repairing and reconfiguring the myriad kinds of computers you find in a county wide system that also serves private schools. Sorry I don't have the name but if your interested I could find out.

Holy crap, they bought a laptop for every student(?).

That seems a like a waste of money.
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How did my monster-in-law get here?
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I can't believe anybody would like a HP desktop. I had problems with the only one I ever bought from them. I have heard countless horror stories about them. The "blue screen of death" is a standard thing with HP's. I have heard that their laptops are not bad though.

I personally enjoy Dell PC's. Not only do you get a pretty good price for them, but in my experience with my company, they don't have a ton of problems. I agree though that the worst customer service is when you have to call their individual customer service line (people from India that you can't understand). If you are a business customer you don't have as many problems though. :)
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Never buy a gateway. I had one and one day it stopped working so I sent it to them after they gave me the run around for two weeks trying to fix it. So I sent it and called two weeks later and was told the part to fix it was just received . Then a few days later called and they said it was shipped back to me, well it never came. So I called again and they said it was still waiting service becasue they were waiting for a part from a supplier. So this goes on and on and on. So I go and buy a nice HP from Sam's club which has worked great for two years. Well I get the run around from Gateway and even their the mangers for 6 months and even send letters after letters to them. Finally one girl had the balls and told me what was really happing. They lost the computer and no one had the guts to tell me. So finally Gateway says they will send a new computer but battle me on that like I wasthe one that did some thing wrong. SO I was still pissed and for being lied to I wanted a laptop instead but they kept saying no so I just gave up as it was going no where. So to make a long story short never buy a Gateway.
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