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NCAA and Endzone Celebrations


Capo Regime
Staff member


NCAA not tolerant of celebrations

Lambeau Leaps, six shooters bring penalties in college game

By Ralph D. Russo
Associated Press
Using the end zone as a putting green will get a player penalized in college football. Anything that looks like a Lambeau Leap also will draw a flag. And don't dare make like a cowboy and use your fingers as six-shooters.
While the post-touchdown antics of Cincinnati receiver Chad Johnson and other NFL players seem to get goofier every week, the NCAA wants its officials to crack down on showboating.
<!-- inset --> <!--begintext--> Rule 9 of the NCAA football regulations deals with the conduct of players and coaches. The second section covers noncontact fouls and outlines some of the gestures and actions that will draw unsportsmanlike conduct penalties.
Some of the impermissible acts specifically mentioned include spinning the ball, chest pounding, imitating firing a weapon, going into the stands to celebrate with fans, bowing at the waist and diving into the end zone when unopposed.
Big East coordinator of officials John Soffey said he tells his officials to be prudent.
"It has to be prolonged," he said. "If a guy just runs into the end zone and just beats his chest we try to ignore it unless he just keeps it up and starts raising his hands and throwing the ball.
"It's a fine line. Some plays are so big you don't blame a player for emoting as a result."
You can bet a college player who used the end zone pylon to putt the football after a touchdown, the way Johnson did on Sunday, would be deemed as having gone over the line.
"Generally speaking the NCAA has asked us to get tougher on this to get better sportsmanship and avoid those type of acts that create ill will," said David Parry, the national coordinator of officials.
Parry has suggested to the NCAA rules committee that players be allowed about 5 seconds to get the euphoria out of their systems.
"We might get a little more consistency that way," he said.
1. So why is it that an ass like Desmond Howard gets away with a Heisman pose in the end zone and a straight actor like Holmes gets hit with a potentail game breaker? I know, different game, different era, different rules, different refs, but that rule never seems to get applied fairly. In Howard's case it wouldn't have made any difference in the outcome, but in Holmes' it damn near gave Michigan a shot at another field goal.

2. I wish the NFL would do a similar crack down. There are times when I think I'm watching WWE (or whatever it calls itself now). To pretend that Sunday's behavior doesn't affect sportsmanship, crowd behavior and the behavior of athletes at the high school level is denial of fact.

3. How bad is it? Carl Kremer, basketball coach at Moeller HS told me that he went to a clinic a few years back and one of the sessions was on how to teach kids to trash talk!
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It's a tough call- they're college kids, they're going to get excited after a big TD. But, I do agree that the over-the-top stuff should be penalized. I'm glad that the refs are calling penalties because I don't want to start seeing the NFL celebration crap in college games.
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Cinci, I know you're merely giving an example, but when Desmond flashed the pose, if I recall correctly, there was no "crack down" on EZ celebrations (Other than spiking the ball) So I don't know that it's fair to say he "got away" with anything. Holmes should NOT have been flagged.... He may well have caught a flash of Michigan's Safety coming at him out of the corner of his eye and believed he had to jump to get in. And, I should add, if you're gonna flag Santonio for that, don't announce it's on "Number 7" :p
If I had one problem with football, celebrations would be it. I mean choreographed stuff. Joe Horn and his stupid fucking cell phone, Chad Johnson and his putting last week (whcih the announcers went ga ga over) Fuck'n a... You scored, great, show some emotion, if it's a big score, spike the ball, hug your teammates, do a chest bump or something, but for christ's sake, putt? Take a call? Fuck that. I've simply had enough "Showmanship" if that's what you'd call it. I don't mind guys getting worked up emotionally after a score, but when you've scored 75 career TD's (Along with 100's of college and HS TDs) and it's a 42 - 0 game, just hand the ball to the ref.

Likewise, as I said on another thread, enough of this bullshit pre-game/halftime skit/country tune crap. Am I ready for some football? Yes. I was even more prepared before you asked me if I was. So put your fucking guitar away, drop the mic and give me some goddamned football.
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I'm still of the opinion that if the kid celebrates with his team (not choreographed) that's fine, if he does it by himslef or calls attention to himself then flag him... I can't remember what game it was this past week, where some kid was celebrating with his teammates and it got flagged, and I still don't know why...

As for the Holmes dive... I just don't see the point of flagging excessive celebrations/unsportsman-like conduct for anything that happens during the course of play. It becomes an after the play foul for something that happens during the play, for one. (What if you gave holmes 15 yards from the 2, because he started his leap from there?) Second, I don't see why its a problem anyway, I see why you don't want the "look at me" struts into the end zone, or pointing before they score... but that's the kind of stuff that will bite you in the ass later, anyway.
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In the NFL it has gotten so far out of hand that a lot of guys are doing celebrations for every play. Perhaps they should be the ones cracking down.


I'm still of the opinion that if the kid celebrates with his team (not choreographed) that's fine, if he does it by himslef or calls attention to himself then flag him... I can't remember what game it was this past week, where some kid was celebrating with his teammates and it got flagged, and I still don't know why...
Texas A&M, I'm almost positive. That made Holmes' celebration look like Chad Johnson.
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I'm still of the opinion that if the kid celebrates with his team (not choreographed) that's fine, if he does it by himslef or calls attention to himself then flag him... I can't remember what game it was this past week, where some kid was celebrating with his teammates and it got flagged, and I still don't know why...

As for the Holmes dive... I just don't see the point of flagging excessive celebrations/unsportsman-like conduct for anything that happens during the course of play. It becomes an after the play foul for something that happens during the play, for one. (What if you gave holmes 15 yards from the 2, because he started his leap from there?) Second, I don't see why its a problem anyway, I see why you don't want the "look at me" struts into the end zone, or pointing before they score... but that's the kind of stuff that will bite you in the ass later, anyway.

I saw that game, and I think the announcers missed it. When he scored in the back left part of the end zone, as his teammates came to join him, one of them kicked the ball that was rolling slowly in the end zone. It looked like it was intentional - I think it was an aTm player.

I also agree that if some guy starts strutting at the ten yard line, penalize him from the spot. If the ball goes to the 25 on plays like that, you can bet the coaches will make it very clear that stuff like that has to stop.

And I blame ESPN for glamorizing the end zone celebrations, just because I can. :wink2:

I'm still pissed they called a penalty on Neal Colzie after he returned a pick inside the 10 at the 1975 Rose Bowl. It was a huge play, and he threw the ball down before celebrating with teammates. It wasn't a blatant, showy spike, but they called delay of game on him. Like the game was going to be delayed if it took 5 seconds to get the ball, when the teams had to change anyway due to the turnover.

The Buckeyes didn't get the TD, and lost the game 18-17, when a win would have resulted in an NC in the UPI poll, since Oklahoma was on probation.
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I recall a few years ago in a bowl matchup between Texas Tech and Navy (#1 passing team vs #1 rushing team) Tech scored aTD and the players gathered around and simulated a grenade going off in the middle of the group. Absolutley tasteless as we were at war at the time, it was choreographed and rehearsed celebration. I honestly don't remember if it was flagged or not. But I don't believe it was.

To see shit like that and then see Holmes flagged making sure he scored in a tight game just irritates me to no end.
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To me, I'm glad the NCAA doesn't tolerate that crap. I'm all for exuberance, but the T.O./Chad Johnson/whoever antics in the NFL have gotten out of hand.

However, on the flip side, the refs are completely irresponsible when they call it. The two worst calls I ever saw (and yes, they were both against my team) were "excessive celebration" calls that were completely unecessary. Other than the Holmes dive, the worst call I ever saw was:

'02 Outback Bowl, OSU vs. South Carolina: the Bucks come back from either 28-0 down or 28-7 down in the 4th to tie the game. Given the fact that the team had a horrible history in Bowls (& just got killed by SC 365 days earlier that cost Coop his job), their QB comes off the bench after a DWI suspension & a sketchy history to lead the unlikely comeback, and the fact that (if it held up) it'd be the biggest comeback in Bowl history, naturally the team explodes with emotion when the tying TD is scored.

But there was no uncalled for celebrations, no slit throats, no taunting, no nothing .. just college kids naturally going crazy. And what happens? The ref throws the flag that eventually cost OSU the game. Tress would be undefeated in Bowl games had that penalty not been called, btw.

Even the announcers (Ron Franklin & Bill Curry, I believe) were sick to their stomachs when the flag was thrown.

If you can't tell, that loss still sticks in my craw to this day.
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I'm still pissed they called a penalty on Neal Colzie after he returned a pick inside the 10 at the 1975 Rose Bowl. It was a huge play, and he threw the ball down before celebrating with teammates. It wasn't a blatant, showy spike, but they called delay of game on him. Like the game was going to be delayed if it took 5 seconds to get the ball, when the teams had to change anyway due to the turnover.

The Buckeyes didn't get the TD, and lost the game 18-17, when a win would have resulted in an NC in the UPI poll, since Oklahoma was on probation.

I remember that call so well... glad there's another senior on here (insert smiley face)... same game saw a questionable forward lateral call go against the Bucks that cost them a TD. Woody pitched a fit about the zebras, followed a few years later by a similar job on Bo and the Wolverines. I think that's the last time PAC 8 officials called the Rose Bowl. That used to be a yearly homer job. It's why I hate to see the Bowls, as currently configured, used to determine the NC... you know teams north of the Mason - Dixon line/west of the Missippi/east of the Rockies are going to get screwed.

Remember Coach Bruce going off on the refs at the LSU game? "...five old Southern gentlemen denied us a chance to win that game. Wait till they see who I get to referee the game in Columbus." or words to that affect.
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