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NCAA 13 (PS3) 5th Annual Online Dynasty Thread

Smooth Olaf;2297015; said:
EA's servers are acting up again. I'll try to advance sometime tonight.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtTUsOKjWyQ"]Man destroys computer - YouTube[/ame]
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Advanced to Week 14.

User v. User game:
#1 Missouri (fanaticbuckeye) at #8 Texas A&M (Piney)

=============== #5 Utah Utes (10-1) ===============
Last week, Utah won 91-0 against Arizona (0-11).
This week, the Utes travel to Boulder to face the Colorado Buffaloes (4-7).
In recruiting news, the following Utah targets have announced their decisions:
- (****) FS Marcus Lambert has committed to Utah
- (****) HB Charles Levine has committed to Utah
- (****) TE Sean Coley has committed to Utah

=============== #2 Iowa Hawkeyes (11-0) ===============
Last week, Iowa won 52-24 against Michigan (4-7).
This week, the Hawkeyes will host Nebraska (5-6).
In recruiting news, the following Iowa targets have announced their decisions:
- (****) FS Donald Davis has committed to Iowa
- (****) HB Charles Levine has committed to Utah
- (****) QB Joe Miller has committed to Iowa

=============== #8 Texas A&M Aggies (9-2) ===============
Last week, Texas A&M won 84-42 against Vanderbilt (1-10).
This week, the Aggies will host #1 Missouri (11-0).
In recruiting news, the following Texas A&M targets have announced their decisions:
- (****) HB Derek Morton has committed to Texas A&M

=============== #1 Missouri Tigers (11-0) ===============
Last week, Missouri won 31-21 against South Carolina (6-5).
This week, the Tigers travel to College Station to face the #8 Texas A&M Aggies (9-2).
In recruiting news, the following Missouri targets have announced their decisions:
- (*) FB Ernest Stewart has committed to Missouri

=============== Toledo Rockets (6-5) ===============
Last week, Toledo lost 38-28 against Purdue (2-9).
This week, the Rockets travel to Bloomington to face the Indiana Hoosiers (5-5).
In recruiting news, the following Toledo targets have announced their decisions:
- (***) K Paul Hogan has committed to Toledo
- (***) LOLB Johnathan Hines has committed to Toledo
- (***) C Leo Moore has committed to Northwestern

=============== #10 Washington Huskies (9-2) ===============
Last week, Washington won 70-14 against Oregon State (7-4).
This week, the Huskies travel to Pullman to face the Washington State Cougars (2-9).

=============== #7 North Carolina Tar Heels (9-2) ===============
Last week the Tar Heels were idle.
This week, the Tar Heels travel to Chestnut Hill to face the Boston College Eagles (6-5).
In recruiting news, the following North Carolina targets have announced their decisions:
- (****) HB Derek Morton has committed to Texas A&M
- (****) ROLB Justin Allen has committed to North Carolina
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Smooth Olaf;2297039; said:
You know, you could have left him alone so I could focus more on the stud scrambling QB fanatic, Piney and I are after.

lol should've told me earlier. few greenies go a long way.......:wink:
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fanaticbuckeye;2297036; said:
Round 2 of Piney vs Fanatic. I may or may not have had a few Captain Morgans so far tonight. But I could play, though probably not in my best interest.

No excuses... will crack out my captain morgan so we are even... should be on about same time as last night.

Smooth Olaf;2297039; said:
You know, you could have left him alone so I could focus more on the stud scrambling QB fanatic, Piney and I are after.

What stud scrambling QB? I already have 2 in this class and not looking at QBs
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