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NCAA 13 (PS3) 5th Annual Online Dynasty Thread

Advanced to Week 12. Shehad, I'm good tomorrow except during the playoff games. I'm off Monday as well.

User v. User game:
#5 Utah (Smooth Olaf) at #4 Washington (shehad)

=============== #5 Utah Utes (8-1) ===============
Last week the Utes were idle.
This week, the Utes travel to Seattle to face the #4 Washington Huskies (8-1).
In recruiting news, the following Utah targets have announced their decisions:
- (****) C Cody Alexander has committed to Utah

=============== #2 Iowa Hawkeyes (9-0) ===============
Last week the Hawkeyes were idle.
This week, the Hawkeyes will host Minnesota (1-8).
In recruiting news, the following Iowa targets have announced their decisions:
- (****) C Cody Alexander has committed to Utah
- (****) RE Yusef Dawson has committed to Iowa
- (****) SS Anthony Alexander has committed to North Carolina
- (****) C Matt Raymond has committed to Florida State

=============== #8 Texas A&M Aggies (7-2) ===============
Last week, Texas A&M won 56-7 against Mississippi State (3-7).
This week, the Aggies travel to Oxford to face the Ole Miss Rebels (6-3).
In recruiting news, the following Texas A&M targets have announced their decisions:
- (****) LT Jess Jones has committed to Texas A&M

=============== #1 Missouri Tigers (9-0) ===============
Last week, Missouri won 58-10 against Florida (3-6).
This week, the Tigers will host Kentucky (5-4).
In recruiting news, the following Missouri targets have announced their decisions:
- (****) RT Kyle Young has committed to Virginia

=============== #16 Toledo Rockets (6-3) ===============
Last week, Toledo lost 44-21 against Wisconsin (9-1).
This week, the Rockets will host Penn State (5-4).
In recruiting news, the following Toledo targets have announced their decisions:
- (****) K Wallace Dawson has committed to North Carolina
- (***) LE Marques Thomas has committed to Toledo
- (***) RT Joey Olson has committed to Toledo

=============== #4 Washington Huskies (8-1) ===============
Last week the Huskies were idle.
This week, the Huskies will host #5 Utah (8-1).
In recruiting news, the following Washington targets have announced their decisions:
- (***) QB Greg Coleman has committed to Washington

=============== #7 North Carolina Tar Heels (8-2) ===============
Last week, North Carolina won 48-7 against Florida State (4-5).
This week, the Tar Heels will host Wake Forest (6-3).
In recruiting news, the following North Carolina targets have announced their decisions:
- (****) K Wallace Dawson has committed to North Carolina
- (****) SS Anthony Alexander has committed to North Carolina
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