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NCAA 13 (PS3) 5th Annual Online Dynasty Thread

I dont wanta cause any more problems but I need to push it back more. My friend fell and slipped on the ice and is currently in the er and getting some gashes taken care of on her head. I'm going now to help them out and give her a ride back to campus. I realize the big game is tommorow so when can you next? Im so sorry i feel like we keep pushing it back
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Shoot me a PM when you're ready so I get the email alert to my phone. Last night off, so I'd like to get it done tonight.
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I have tired like 8 times to play my game and not once got to the coin flip before the game froze. I don't know why it won't let me play? My Internet is fine I'm able to play a game of black ops with out no problem. Fucking ea I guess u can just sim the game I better not lose Arizona is F across the board
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Advanced to Week 8. No user v. user games this week.

=============== #6 Utah Utes (5-1) ===============
Last week, Utah lost 30-21 against Missouri (5-0).
This week, the Utes travel to Corvallis to face the Oregon State Beavers (4-2).
In recruiting news, the following Utah targets have announced their decisions:
- (*****) WR Justin Graves has committed to Utah
- (****) LOLB Scott Barrett has committed to Iowa
- (*****) WR Lawrence Anderson has committed to Utah

=============== #1 Iowa Hawkeyes (6-0) ===============
Last week, Iowa won 38-23 against Toledo (4-2).
This week, the Hawkeyes will host #21 Michigan State (4-2).
In recruiting news, the following Iowa targets have announced their decisions:
- (*****) WR Pedro Matthews has committed to Nebraska
- (*****) WR Daniel Johnson has committed to Oklahoma
- (****) MLB Charles Booker has committed to Washington
- (****) CB Tony Kirby has committed to Texas A&M
- (****) LT Jeremy Hall has committed to TCU
- (****) LOLB Scott Barrett has committed to Iowa
- (****) CB Mike Guerrero has committed to Iowa

=============== #11 Texas A&M Aggies (4-2) ===============
Last week, Texas A&M won 63-23 against Alabama (2-4).
This week, the Aggies travel to San Antonio to face the UTSA Roadrunners (2-2).
In recruiting news, the following Texas A&M targets have announced their decisions:
- (*****) WR Pedro Matthews has committed to Nebraska
- (***) TE Anthony Jackson has committed to Wyoming
- (****) RT Marcus Woodard has committed to Texas A&M
- (*****) WR Daniel Johnson has committed to Oklahoma
- (*****) WR Justin Graves has committed to Utah
- (****) CB Tony Kirby has committed to Texas A&M
- (****) HB Greg Miller has committed to Texas A&M

=============== #2 Missouri Tigers (5-0) ===============
Last week, Missouri won 30-21 against Utah (5-1).
This week, the Tigers will host #3 Georgia (5-0).
In recruiting news, the following Missouri targets have announced their decisions:
- (*****) LG Jay Smiley has committed to LSU

=============== #15 Toledo Rockets (4-2) ===============
Last week, Toledo lost 38-23 against Iowa (6-0).
This week, the Rockets travel to College Park to face the Maryland Terrapins (1-4).
In recruiting news, the following Toledo targets have announced their decisions:
- (***) LOLB David Green has committed to Cincinnati
- (***) ROLB Greg Hicks has committed to Cincinnati
- (***) LOLB Max Holmes has committed to Cincinnati

=============== #7 Washington Huskies (5-1) ===============
Last week, Washington won 72-0 against Arizona (0-6).
This week, the Huskies travel to Eugene to face the #13 Oregon Ducks (3-1).
In recruiting news, the following Washington targets have announced their decisions:
- (****) MLB Charles Booker has committed to Washington
- (***) LE John Salas has committed to Washington
- (****) HB Greg Miller has committed to Texas A&M
- (*****) WR Lawrence Anderson has committed to Utah

=============== #8 North Carolina Tar Heels (5-2) ===============
Last week, North Carolina won 43-15 against Syracuse (2-4).
This week, the Tar Heels are idle.
In recruiting news, the following North Carolina targets have announced their decisions:
- (****) C Alonzo Tidwell has committed to Georgia
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