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NCAA 13 (PS3) 5th Annual Online Dynasty Thread

He's a RS Soph. He's fast, and has decent accuracy for a scrambler, but he has a noodle for an arm. That deep pass of mine you picked off showed that in the worst way. He should be one hell of a senior with good progression. He has an INJ rating in the 90s, which is good, because he might need counseling after what you did to him that second half.
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Smooth Olaf;2286484; said:
He's a RS Soph. He's fast, and has decent accuracy for a scrambler, but he has a noodle for an arm. That deep pass of mine you picked off showed that in the worst way. He should be one hell of a senior with good progression. He has an INJ rating in the 90s, which is good, because he might need counseling after what you did to him that second half.


I switched to 4 DE Dime almost exclusively in the second half. The DE that I control is a true FR, your RT did a great job on him. Normally, I am able to win one on one battles with him every 3 downs or so. But I think I only beat your guy twice the whole game.
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fanaticbuckeye;2286494; said:
I switched to 4 DE Dime almost exclusively in the second half.

Heh...I did that to you, too. Actually, I thought my run defense would do worse than my pass defense. My LBs are good, especially the stud I stole from Piney, and my secondary is all right, but I don't like my line. It seems I always have trouble recruiting defensive linemen. Maybe it's a Pac-12 thing. I couldn't get a good one with Washington last year, either. I did get a commit from a 79 DT this season, but he won't reach his potential by the time NCAA 14 roles around.
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Smooth Olaf;2286667; said:
Heh...I did that to you, too. Actually, I thought my run defense would do worse than my pass defense. My LBs are good, especially the stud I stole from Piney, and my secondary is all right, but I don't like my line. It seems I always have trouble recruiting defensive linemen. Maybe it's a Pac-12 thing. I couldn't get a good one with Washington last year, either. I did get a commit from a 79 DT this season, but he won't reach his potential by the time NCAA 14 roles around.

I hope we get this league through 3 more seasons. My defense right now is a B overall but is almost all FR and SO so they could be good after a few seasons.
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dtcwatkins18;2287028; said:
idk if you're getting on tonight or not but i'm logged in and such

Sorry bout that. 10 tomorrow is no good, I'll be home in like 20 if you can play then
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