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My personal three-year rule . . .

My dad recorded the Browns '64 championship radio broadcast on his reel to reel tape player, I was 10, and kept it for a few years. Little did "we" know he should have put it in a safe deposit box for posterity! And it's amazing the Indians never did relocate to Florida considering they went from 1959 to 1995 without ever being in a pennant race. You can call me a fair weather Indians fan as I gave up on them in '68/'69.

Could pick up WLW and listened to a Reds game in '68 when they beat the Phillies 19-17 and figured anybody who could give up 17 and still win has to be my new team. The 1976 series when the Reds beat the Yankees in four straight was the best. And talk about inflation as I remember when Pete Rose wanted to be the first non-power hitter to sign a 100k contract.

Gave up on the Browns after the Bernie Kosar era. The Browns leading the league in rushing defense would surely be a sign of the apocalypse. I digress.

And because of the blackout rule back in '64 you couldn't watch the Browns last championship on tv.

Jose frickin' Mesa aside, what really pissed me off re: '97 was the Marlins had the home field advantage and they were a wildcard team.


And this is why last year was truly a magical season as the Buckeyes were given up for dead after VT. Urban has a lifetime pass imo.

carry on
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Two words....


After that blown 9th inning I was sent to my room for excessively crying and screaming at the TV... I mean I was like 12 years old so there is that excuse. If that happened today I'd like to think It'd be a different response, but ya know I'm not so sure it would be.

As a Clevelander (or Clevelandian, or Clevelandite, or whatever) who grew up in Columbus, I'm probably 90% Buckeye fan, 10% Cleveland fan. Maybe even 95/5. And I even like the Cincinnati teams, still. So I don't know where the ratio goes from there. Anyway, I'm a bit of a fan, but also an outsider. When the Browns lost to the Steelers in the playoffs in January 2003, I was on top of the world - Ohio State had just won the championship. When the rest of the fans were cheering about spending two draft picks on a solja, all I could do was laugh at the Browns and any Browns fan I could find, and he hadn't even gotten into a motorcycle accident, yet. When the Cavs got LBJ, when they lost LBJ, and when they got LBJ, I think I laughed at fans more than cheered/cried. Sure, I want Cleveland teams to win, but my mood doesn't go up and down the way it does for the Buckeyes. (And if you call me a "bandwagon Cleveland fan", just know that I admitted to that long before anyone else called me that. But at least I don't ever pick a team OVER the Cleveland team. So maybe that makes up for it...)

Anyway, that 1997 World Series STILL bothers me. Ugh. I was 21 and out at a bar for that game. (BW3 on Coventry.) There was a lot of crying and screaming at TVs. But no one was sent to his room.
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I'm with you there... After that 97 world series I honestly was never the same as a fan of Cleveland sports and I'm glad I'm not. I already have my team and I don't need another one (especially one's as pitiful as Cleveland's teams) and I'm not about to bandwagon to some other team like the Steelers or something.
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I'm with you there... After that 97 world series I honestly was never the same as a fan of Cleveland sports and I'm glad I'm not. I already have my team and I don't need another one (especially one's as pitiful as Cleveland's teams) and I'm not about to bandwagon to some other team like the Steelers or something.

Ugh. You just reminded me of my wife's aunt (R.I.P.). She once told me that she was thinking of becoming a Steelers fans because they were better than the Browns. She REALLY wasn't a fan of any sports, and she never REALLY became a Steelers fan. And I'm not the type to get into fights with people for... well, anything. But I was a bit annoyed with that. I didn't call her out on it, and it's probably a good thing I didn't.
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Just a bump for perspective, although I guess I would have been more accurate if I'd worried more.
I think this is a great perspective. Nobody is perfect, so let's not forget what happened just last year.
This rule applies to the HC only, right? New coaches under the HC are not covered by this rule?
Although I also may subscribe to this perspective as well.
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