I couldn't find any record of even a discussion about Lyme in my records, which is sort of disappointing given the time and money spent in the Mayo. We're going to call around tomorrow to see what it would take to arrange for such a test. "Scoring" between 48-50 is enough of an eye-opener that I feel it would be silly not to at least take a stab at it "just in case."
MS is what is assumed by the docs I've seen here and there over the last couple years (which is to say in a couple ER visits), and I'll have to have a spinal tap at some point, along with a battery of other tests. All when I can pay for it.
It's not an issue. I do. Not severe enough to show up on xray at last check though. I'll go through and list where my "yes" answers were later in this thread when I have a few moments. None of it is any big secret or private affair anymore.
I was in from '89 to the end of '93.