What are my thoughts after that beatdown?
Yes, my teams throw a lot of interceptions, we all know that. Some of them were risky jump balls, but their safety came down with four of them, and I?m not sure we picked off a single pass.
Biggest thought so far, if you don't have a fast quarterback, you don't have a chance of avoiding the defense. If you have a shaky offensive line - like me - then you are throwing off of your back foot, getting knocked down, etc. The faster quarterbacks, which most teams have, get through. That definitely makes these teams a bit unfair.
People asked me what the transition would be like from aquatic life to big time college football, and now I can answer that better. I sure do miss the slow, methodical movements in the ocean. These kids these days just run around too darn fast.
The running game was ok for both teams. I was able to put together some 5-10 yard runs when I tried. Honestly, I was outmatched, but I really think the dual threat discrepancy between teams will really hurt certain teams, especially with the lack of overall talent on the new programs.
Good game Muddogs, good luck the rest of the year. You were clearly the better team today.