Loathing All Things Georgia
United States Army Corps of Engineers 2011 Louisiana Flooding
Anticipated inundation from Scenario 1
Anticipated inundation from Scenario 1a
Anticipated inundation from Scenario 2
Anticipated inundation from Scenario 3
- Scenario 1: Open the Morganza Spillway to half (50%) of its maximum capacity, which would divert 300,000 cubic feet per second (8,500 m3/s) of water.
- Scenario 1a: Open the Morganza Spillway to one-quarter (25%) of its maximum capacity, which would divert 150,000 cubic feet per second (4,200 m3/s) of water.
- Scenario 2: Do not open the Morganza Spillway, and keep the Old River Control Structure at its routine operating level of only 30% of the Mississippi's flow; no additional water would be diverted
- Scenario 3: Do not open the Morganza Spillway, and open the Old River Control Structure somewhat more, which would divert an extra 150,000 cubic feet per second (4,200 m3/s) of water.