i love reading the comments by people on this forum everytime this issue is brought up.
lots of dumb people smoke it....lots of really smart people smoke it as well. there are some minor negative effects, but there are also some great positive effects that never get talked about. it is an aphrodisiac, a healer, a stimulator of intellectual conversation, and enhances enjoyment of music and the arts.
if i played in the nfl, you better believe i would be toking up, just to relieve the pain. i wouldn't want to get addicted to pain-killers like everybody's hero, brett favre.
i love how when moss, the "rogue" of the league, says he uses it, it's big, front-page news....but when robert smith, an incredibly intelligent and level-headed individual, admits the same thing, it gets buried on the back pages. the message is: "look everybody! that no-good punk moss smokes weed, that evil drug. what a selfish, lazy bitch. pay no attention to robert smith and the incredible clarity that he has. after all, this is a guy so whacked out that he actually wanted to be a doctor AND a football player!!! can you believe that he actually got mad that he had to miss classes? i thought being the stoner that he is, he would be delighted at the prospect! and the gall he had, to retire early while his body still functioned! he clearly fried all his brain cells smoking dope."
everybody loves to say that weed is bad, because they know guys that smoke and drift through life aimlessly. truth be told, there are lots of very successful and hard-working people that use marijuana as well. you just don't hear about them, because if they admit to using it, they would be putting their careers in jeopardy. the unemployed person has no need to hide their use, for they have nothing to lose.
the government should not interfere with the lives of its citizens, as long as those people are not causing harm to anyone else.
make fun of tibor all you want, but the guy clearly knows more about medicine/the human body than most of you.
just because something is illegal doesn't make it right....laws are always changing. where would we be if the colonists had decided to obey the stamp act and all the other british "laws"?
isn't it ironic when people that post on message boards all day argue that weed users are wasting their lives?