The Most Power-Drunk
Ask tyrus3 and Ginn & Juice they both live in Zanesville and can corroborate.
There's another entrance ramp just beyond the merge point of this on-ramp that causes the distance to be so short.
I will bet you everything I own, and everything my family owns, along with all of the money I can borrow, that the ramp is longer than 40 feet. It would be hard to parallel park four cars in 40 feet, there is no way an entrance ramp is that short.
And I stand by my statement. While there may be an extremely rare occurrence when you are forced to stop at the end of an entrance ramp (excepting when forced to by the idiot in front of you), these occasions are so few and far between that I doubt any single person sees more than 3 or 4 of them in a lifetime. I know I have never seen one. I have never, ever, had to stop at the end of a ramp. There have been several occasions where it probably would have been safe to do so, but in every case there was a jackass refusing to change lanes, even though he had more than plenty of room to do so, so he got cut off. If it's even fair to say cut off, as I was going as fast or faster than him. Besides, I drive a Yukon, so those bastards need to yield to ME!