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MLB General Discussion (Official Thread)

Skenes matched Fried in terms of innings pitched, runs gave up, and hits. Against a much better Braves line up than what Fried had to face.

Both pitchers did what they were supposed to do to put their team in position to win.

Braves ball park is pretty nice and the immediate surrounding area (the Battery) is pretty cool.

Even though Skenes didn't get the win, he didn't get the loss and performed well.

A nice day.
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Skenes matched Fried in terms of innings pitched, runs gave up, and hits. Against a much better Braves line up than what Fried had to face.

Both pitchers did what they were supposed to do to put their team in position to win.

Braves ball park is pretty nice and the immediate surrounding area (the Battery) is pretty cool.

Even though Skenes didn't get the win, he didn't get the loss and performed well.

A nice day.
Did you ever go to Fulton County Stadium?
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