I went. I jumped. I enjoyed the HELL out of it. It was definitely one of the most hardcore and distinguished traditions I've known.
I'm a 5th year senior and to think that I have missed out on this great tradition till now (this year being the first time I jumped), I am f*cking ashamed. On a side note, before we went, I heard 2 different advises: 1) Jump the Lake DRUNK, 2) Duct taped the shoes. Well, alcohol definitely was not part of the equation last night, even though I would def. enjoy a drink or two before I go. But I still F*CKING had an awesome time. Besides, the love I have for my University and the support for my beloved Buckeye football team is intoxicating enough that I don't need alcohol to substitute those elements. Couple fights broke out last night while I was there, but both were immediately pulled away by bystanders (kudo to the crowd! Instead of adding fuel to fire, they were conscious enough to do the right thing). Don't mind drunk people as long as they don't bother me. But, really, if you need alcohol to support your Buckeyes and to follow through an one-and-only college football tradition, then you may want to examine your fan-hood.
I can't tell you from a personal experience about how the duct taped shoes work, because I was wearing my water sport shoes, ones with valcros to tightened up. But, from my observation, 80% of them worked. The remaining 20% are either the taping job was not good enough that water eventually penetrated and loosen the stickiness, or people were too drunk and started to take off their own shoes and throwing them around.
All in all, this is as good as it gets. I hope it will be coooooold next year, so that I can claim that I have done it in sub 0 degree weather!!!
(Next year will be my LAST Fall quarter.)
It's less than 24 hrs till THE Game. Let me hear it!
osu.edu ROCKS!!!