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Michigan at OHIO STATE

Open letter to all who have tickets to The Game.

You must scream your head off and make noise!
You must be a factor!
We who can't be there will be with you in spirit.
We too will be screaming our collective heads off!
But, it's up to you at The Game who must be a factor the whole game!
Scream for your team!
Scream for your defense to let them know you are sending them a special energy!
They will hear you and respond!
Scream till your horse!
And scream some more!
Go Bucks!
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Taosman;660013; said:
Open letter to all who have tickets to The Game.

You must scream your head off and make noise!
You must be a factor!
We who can't be there will be with you in spirit.
We too will be screaming our collective heads off!
But, it's up to you at The Game who must be a factor the whole game!
Scream for your team!
Scream for your defense to let them know you are sending them a special energy!
They will hear you and respond!
Scream till your horse!
And scream some more!
Go Bucks!

My kids already know daddy won't be able to yell at them on Sunday. Which is likely when daddy will be dragging his ass home.
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