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MichaeLLLLLLLLL "0-9" ‘Bike’ Hart (douchebag)

It's easy to talk big when they won't play us again this year. For all the whining they did when some OSU fans said "we had the better team anyway" after losses in the 90s, it's downright hilarious to see players and coaches at dUMb saying the same things now.

Face it Mikey...we own your ass.
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last time I checked, Ohio State was still in the Big Ten...and from now on, everytime I hear the name Mike Hart, I'll think of this kid...


Sorry son, but you lose.

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Mike Hart has been talking to Chris Perry and Braylon Edwards a little too much. Just wait until he suffers the same NFL fate of being a bust.

I can't say, at this point, I really give too much of a shit though. We won. They lost. The more they whine, the more they look like the Confederate idiots preaching "the South will rise again."
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Steve19;682883; said:
He won't score four touchdowns next year against Ohio State.

Atleast he realizes that in order to beat the Buckeyes next season that it is basically almost entirely on his shoulders. If he isn't able to have big success against the Buckeyes next November it is unlikely that he will salvage a win and avoid the ofer against his masters.

As for next season:

It's not as if Mike Hart is lining up behind a QB who has shown the capability to pull out big games. Who exactly has Chad Henne ever beaten?

It's not as if Mike Hart is playing for a head coach who has shown that he has any resemblence of having a clue when it comes to coaching against JT. Newest assistant coaching addition for Llllloyd Carr's staff: Heimlich Manuever coach. His job during UM games is to continuously stand behind Llllloyd with his arms wrapped around the head coach's abdomen so that he'll be in position when Llllloyd inevitably starts to choke.

It's not as if Mike Hart is going to be running behind the same veteran O-line next season seeing how G Rueben Riley, C Mark Bihl and T Mike Kolodziej were all seniors and should be graduating and T Jake Long could potentially jump to greener (money is green) pastures in the NFL. Good luck if that happens Mike Hart!

It's not as if Mike Hart isn't going to have to sit on the sidelines helpless while his program tries to replace several key players from that so called vaunted defense. Let's see here. Seniors from this year's defense include: DE Lamarr Woodley, DE Jeremy Van Alstyne, DE Rondell Biggs, LB David Harris, LB Prescott Burgess, CB Leon Hall, CB Darnell Hood, S Ryan Mundy, and S Willis Barringer. Let's see if their program is up to the same level as Ohio State seeing how the Buckeyes clearly demonstrated this season that they were capable of replacing 9 starters on defense. Weasels, it's your turn. Best of luck.

It's not as if scUM doesn't have other key players to replace as well such as WR KR Steve Breaston, TE Tyler Ecker, FB Obi Oluigbo, and K Garrett Rivas. Anyone wondering who next years preseason #1 team will be, don't lose any sleep wondering if it's gonna be Michigan because it's not.

Now, I'm not so naive as to believe that Ohio State won't feel the effects of losing several key players as well. Troy Smith, Quinn Pitcock, David Patterson, Jay Richardson, Doug Datish, TJ Downing, etc. etc. are all on their way out of here. Note the difference, however, that they are leaving Ohio State with 4 victories vs. TSUN under their belts since they arrived in Columbus. They've also, to this point, never lost a bowl game and I don't believe they will this season either.

Many people might point out that the last time Ohio State went into a season having to replace a starting quarterback they went 8-4. A good answer to someone saying this might be to ask that person to take into consideration the shameful lack of production by Ohio State running backs that season. In 2004 the Buckeyes had no legitimate running game to speak of, the word zilch comes to mind. In 2007, it's gonna be a whole different story. I presume that it might be alot easier to break in a new QB when he can simply hand the ball off 50% of the time to multiple RB's for 5 to 7 yards a pop rather than 2 to 3. You could also point out that the Buckeyes beat scUM 37-21 in 2004.

I also wouldn't be surprised to see one or more Buckeye underclassmen make a jump to the next level possibly. I hope they don't but it's alot of money and the specter of possible injury is always looming. Tyson Gentry for instance.

Mike Hart might want to think about this. He's been slowed by injuries previously in his career. Not this season though. Mike Hart should count his blessings. He had a very productive season in 2006. Maybe he should wise up and bolt to the NFL so he can secure his future supply of drug purchasing money that he'll need to cover himself while he wallows in self pity after he washes out at the NFL level.

If he stays another year in college, he may get hurt and struggle next season. NFL GM's will label him as injury prone and too small to be an every down back on Sundays (a label that he might get regardless of him getting injured again or not). What then? How will he pay for his future crack addiction? He's gonna need that crack to escape to another world in which his imagination will tell him that he's a winner and he didn't spend his college career getting his ass handed to him by those to the south that were clearly superior to him.

Mike Hart, when compared to Ohio State, is inferior. His head coach is inferior and the Michigan football program as a whole is inferior. This is reality and I don't see this reality changing anytime soon. Hart can just take his multiple defeats, shut the fuck up and go home!

Best of luck to him with the long trip he has to make out to USC's back yard. He might want to start concentrating on the Trojans (afterall they are the best defense he's gonna face this season according to him) rather than continously lamenting about not being rewarded with a second (strong emphasis here) chance to beat the Buckeyes once this season. He lost! He's a loser! Losers don't get rewarded for losing. Perhaps he thinks he plays for Notre Dame and he should get rewarded for losing.

Obviously Mike Hart sees himself as God's gift to the running back position. Delusions run amok in Ann Arbor. In defeat, they proclaim victory. These are happy days indeed for the Buckeye State! Still, I can't help but wonder what it's going to take to make these Michigan coaches, players and fans finally shut the fuck up and accept their new place in the college football world. Their place is on their knees looking up at the Buckeyes. Get used to it slugs!!!!!

Go Buckeyes!!!! (aka "The Owners Of Mike Hart")
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I wouldn't get too cocky just yet.
Henne is a solid QB -- no gamebreaker, but he's grown into the kind of QB that makes good decisions. And Hart is still a great back on the field, even if his attitude sucks.
I think we'll be 10-point underdogs going into AA next year. Not to say we won't win, but a win is far from guaranteed. Thankfully, we'll have plenty of bulletin board material to get fired up (as if the players will really need it?)
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23Skidoo;683625; said:
I wouldn't get too cocky just yet.
Henne is a solid QB -- no gamebreaker, but he's grown into the kind of QB that makes good decisions. And Hart is still a great back on the field, even if his attitude sucks.
I think we'll be 10-point underdogs going into AA next year. Not to say we won't win, but a win is far from guaranteed. Thankfully, we'll have plenty of bulletin board material to get fired up (as if the players will really need it?)

Interesting take.
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westbrock;683634; said:
Interesting take.

Well I agree that he won't score 4 TDs and that he's acting like a child, much like his classless HC.
But I'm not going to make the mistake of belittling and underestimating their team and capabilities on the field. As Tress and TS keep repeating at all these interviews and award ceremonies -- more success requires more humbleness. I've believed that even before JT arrived (Springs talking trash back in the 90s still pisses me off) and it's nice to see our team and HC live it. Basically, I don't want to become as over-confident as scUM has been since the Cooper era.
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23Skidoo;683625; said:
I wouldn't get too cocky just yet.
Henne is a solid QB -- no gamebreaker, but he's grown into the kind of QB that makes good decisions. And Hart is still a great back on the field, even if his attitude sucks.
I think we'll be 10-point underdogs going into AA next year. Not to say we won't win, but a win is far from guaranteed. Thankfully, we'll have plenty of bulletin board material to get fired up (as if the players will really need it?)
your predicting spreads before we even know who our QB is next year?
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BIGBLUEHART;683637; said:
didn't chad henne beat the same penn state team that beat you?

I hope you were on your knees when you typed that like a respectful underling would be.

Would Chad Henne have beaten 2005 Penn State in Happy Valley? Don't think too hard on that one.
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Bleed S & G;683648; said:
your predicting spreads before we even know who our QB is next year?

Not really a line, that wasn't my Las Vegas prediction -- just my media talking-heads prediction.
But that little snippet of a fact is precisely why I think we're sure to be underdogs going into AA. The line all year will be that we're playing a weak schedule and TS won't be there to save the day. I'm not saying it's even remotely true, but that'll be the pundits' mantra all year.
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