I certainly don't pretend to know the specifics here, but as a general matter, I would be somewhat surprised if coach of college X calls up a current player on college A's roster and says "Hey, why don't you transfer out of there and come here"
I won't say such a conversation never happens, but it would strike me as a lot of wasted breath for the coach of college X most times. What I mean to say is, in this case, I would more expect Marv to be calling around (prior to any seeking of a release, even) and asking coach of college X "Hey, do you have room for me?"
I am a tad unsettled that any school would prevent a kid from transferring to the school of his choice. I mean, we're talking about college, not professional athletes. That is to say, there's more to the discussion than simply "will we have to face this guy down the road" Now, that said, I'm not going to pretend that a guy like Marv is worried about his major particularly - and as compared to his professional prospects as a football player. In any case, unsettling as I find it, it just seems to me to be "bad business" I mean, suppose Marv ends up at Florida State. Miami has already determined that Marv's not "the guy" to get it done at Miami, so I wonder why they'd be particularly worried about him at Flast.
But, as I said above - I have to leave room for the fact that there is likely much more to the story - and the report above does appear quite one-sided and with an axe in hand stepping towards the grinding wheel.