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Maryland at tOSU, Sat. 10/7, 12pm ET, FOX

I was in the stands in 2000 for homecoming game vs. Minnesota after OSU went into camp randall and beat a decent Wisky team to rise to #5 in polls. Layed a fat egg that day, ended up losing 4 games and Cooper got fired. Not saying it's similar but.......
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Guys, seriously… chill out. Maryland isn’t better than Ohio State outside of this game, according to historical records. Tualialulip Trickatongueviola isn’t even that good if you don’t count this dominiance. He probably wouldn’t beat McCord in a race if he was cuffed to a fire hydrant. There’s something to be said about that.
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I was in the stands in 2000 for homecoming game vs. Minnesota after OSU went into camp randall and beat a decent Wisky team to rise to #5 in polls. Laid a fat egg that day, ended up losing 4 games and Cooper got fired. Not saying it's similar but.......

I was up til about 6 that morning drinking with friends and slept through the game. Kinda wishing I had done that again last night. :lol:
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