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Maryland at tOSU, Sat. 10/7, 12pm ET, FOX

Where's Stover??? That should be Kyle's security blanket but he hasn't had a look yet. I seriously hope some of these media types start asking the hard questions of Day regarding these fucking screen plays and idiotic short yardage calls. If you aren't tough enough to get the short yardage let the kids embarass themselves and see if that motivates them to better. Embarassing yourself as a coach calling bullshit plays only pisses everyone off and doesn't teach you a damn thing
Gotta save plays for later in the season. Playing very vanilla right now. Cough.
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Where's Stover??? That should be Kyle's security blanket but he hasn't had a look yet. I seriously hope some of these media types start asking the hard questions of Day regarding these fucking screen plays and idiotic short yardage calls. If you aren't tough enough to get the short yardage let the kids embarass themselves and see if that motivates them to better. Embarassing yourself as a coach calling bullshit plays only pisses everyone off and doesn't teach you a damn thing
So true. Doug is still jerking off over calling out Brian Ferentz to COY's face........ask the same questions to Day.

"Ryan, why are you still calling plays that literally have never worked in your entire tenure as Head Coach? Don't you think you owe it to these kids to give up play calling, if the best you can come up with is a telegraphed end around in the red zone?"
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Running downhill, throwing vertical.
The 3 plays we tried it was straight into the redzone... and then "hey let's run the power back wide and try another wr screen"

I'd like a different play on 3rd, but nothing is certain running the ball right now, especially in a condensed field. Every game it just flip-flops between "stop being a dumbass and telegraphing runs, be creative" to "what dumbass play call was that? Just run the ball straight forward".
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